Allworth (Ed.) E. CENTRAL ASIA 120 Years of Russian Rule. Duke University Press. 1987 1st. pp606. many text figs. orig. cloth. Near Fine £24
Ambolt N. KARAVAN. Travels in Eastern Turkestan. Blackie. 1939 1st. pp191. frontis. and 7 cold. plates. 55 b/w. illus. orig. black cloth gilt. Very Good- £35
Bagchi P.C. INDIA AND CENTRAL ASIA. National Council of Education, Bengal. 1955 1st. pp184. fold. map. printed wrappers. Very Good- £24
Banks M. RAKAPOSHI. Secker & Warburg. 1959 1st. pp238. cold. frontis. 35 illus. 3 maps. orig. red cloth. Very Good- in dw £24
Baume L. SIVALAYA. The 8000 - metre peaks of the Himalaya. Gastons - West Col. 1978 1st. pp316. frontis. map diagrams. some red underlining throughout. Very Good- dw £20
Bell C. PORTRAIT OF THE DALAI LAMA. Collins. 1946 1st. pp414. 49 illus. 2 maps. orig. cloth gilt. Very Good- £75
Bell Sir C. TIBET. Past & Present. Clarendon Press, Oxford. 1924 1st. pp326. 3 cold, 68 b/w half-tone illus. 2 maps [fold.] orig. blue cloth gilt. Very Good £175
Benyon Lt. W.G.L. WITH KELLY TO CHITRAL. Edward Arnold. 1896 2nd. pp160. illus. 2 fold. maps. recased in orig. cloth gilt. Very Good- £65
Bosshard W. HAZARDS OF ASIA'S HIGHLANDS AND DESERTS. Figurehead. (Pioneer Series) [1930] 1st. pp139. 15 illus. 2 maps. orig. cloth faded. Very Good- £48
Boulger D.C. THE INVASIONS OF INDIA FROM CENTRAL ASIA. Richard Bentley & Son 1879 1st. pp344. recased in orig. cloth gilt. worn and label removed. Good £75
Brook Northey, Maj. W. and Morris Capt. C.J. THE GURKHAS. Their Manners, Customs and Country. John Lane. 1928 1st. pp282. with many illus. from photographs and a map [fold.] f.e.p. missing. orig. green cloth gilt. uncut. Very Good- £95
Bruce Maj. the Hon. C.G. TWENTY YEARS IN THE HIMALAYA. Edward Arnold. 1910 1st. pp331. with 60 illus. (1 fold. panorama) and fold. map. bound in ex. Belfast library blue buckram with label and sp. nos. A rare book. Good £220
Burrard Major G. BIG GAME HUNTING IN THE HIMALAYAS AND TIBET. Herbert Jenkins 1925 1st. pp320. photo illus., 8 maps. orig. blue cloth gilt. Very Good- £125
Byron R. FIRST RUSSIA THEN TIBET. MacMillan & Co. Ltd. 1933 1st. pp328. frontis. cold. 24 illus. orig. green cloth gilt, wrinkled. t.e.g. Good £45
Cable and French, F. M. GEORGE HUNTER. Apostle of Turkestan. China Inland Mission. 1948 1st. pp108 frontis. portrait, 25 illus., e.p. maps. orig. cloth gilt. Very Good in dw £42
Candler E. THE MANTLE OF THE EAST. William Blackwood 1910 1st. pp321. frontis. 16 illus. orig. green cloth pict. gilt. Very Good- £34
Candler E. YOUTH AND THE EAST. An Unconventional Autobiography. William Blackwood and Sons. 1924 1st. pp331. orig. blue cloth gilt. Very Good £35
Caroe O. THE PATHANS. 550 B.C.-A.D. 1957 Macmillan. 1958 1st. pp521. frontis. 15 plates. orig. blue cloth gilt. Near Fine £55
Cox E.H.M. PLANT-HUNTING IN CHINA. A History of Botanical Exploration in China and the Tibetan Marches. Collins. 1945 1st. pp230. cold. frontis. 24 illus. 3 maps. orig. red cloth gilt. Near Fine- in dw £40
Cutting S. THE FIRE OX AND OTHER YEARS. an Account of His Travels in Tibet, Nepal, Assam and othe Far Eastern Lands. Collins. 1947 1st. pp393. 128 pp. of photo illus., 3 full colour and 3 cold. maps. orig. blue cloth gilt. Near Fine in dw £85
David-Neel A. TIBETAN JOURNEY. John Lane The Bodley Head. 1936 1st. pp276. frontis. 21 illus. fold. map. orig. cloth gilt. Very Good dw £225
Easton J. AN UNFREQUENTED HIGHWAY. Through Sikkim and Tibet to Chumolaori. The Scholartis Press. 1928 1st. pp133. frontis. and illus. orig. red cloth gilt worn. 960 copies printed. Good £45
Etherton Lt. Col. P.T. IN THE HEART OF ASIA. Constable and Co. 1925 1st. pp.xii+305 fold. map. orig. brown cloth gilt. rare. Very Good £140
Farrer R. THE RAINBOW BRIDGE. Edward Arnold. 1923 1st. pp383. frontis. 15 illus. fold. map. re-cased in orig. blue cloth gilt. uncut. Very Good- £45
Ferguson W.N. ADVENTURE SPORT AND TRAVEL ON THE TIBETAN STEPPES. Constable. 1911 1st. pp343. frontis. port. 75 illus. 2 fold. maps missing are replaced by RGS journal maps. orig. green pict. cloth. t.e.g. uncut. Very Good- £250
Fleming P. A FORGOTTEN JOURNEY. a Diary of a Journey Through Russia, Manchuria and Northern China in 1934. Rupert Hart-Davis. 1952 1st. pp109. illus. orig. blue cloth. Very Good- in dw £12
Fleming P. NEWS FROM TARTARY. A Journey from Peking to Kashmir Jonathan Cape. 1936 1st. pp381. many illus. fold. map. orig. maroon cloth gilt. Very Good £65
Fleming. P. NEWS FROM TARTARY. A Journey from Peking to Kashmir . Jonathan Cape. 1936 1st. pp384. 57 plates & a folding map. orig. cloth gilt. marked and rubbed. Very Good- £20
Forman H. THROUGH FORBIDDEN TIBET. An Adventure into the Unknown. Jarrolds. 1936 1st. pp288. illustrated. orig. red cloth. page edges foxed. Near Fine- £43
French, Cable M. and French, F. E. A DESERT JOURNAL. Letters from Central Asia Constable & Co. 1934 1st. pp261. frontis. 15 illus. fold. map. orig. blue cloth. Very Good in dw £55
Geddie J. BEYOND THE HIMALAYAS. A Story of Travel and Adventure in the Wilds of Thibet. T. Nelson. 1884 1st. pp256. frontis. 7 illus. orig. pict. cloth gilt. Good £45
Gorer G. HIMALAYAN VILLAGE. an Account of the Lepchas of Sikkim. Michael Joseph. 1938 1st. pp510. 32 plates. orig. green cloth gilt. Good £25
Gould B.J. THE JEWEL IN THE LOTUS. Recollections of an Indian Political. Chatto & Windus. 1957 1st. pp252. 12 plates. 8 maps. orig. cloth gilt. Very Good- £24
Haslund H. TENTS IN MONGOLIA (YABONAH). Adventures and Experiences Among the Nomads of Central Asia. Kehan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. Ltd. 1934 1st. pp366. 64 plates and a map. green cloth gilt. ex-lib. Very Good- £30
Hayden & Cosson Cesar. Sir H. SPORT AND TRAVEL IN THE HIGHLANDS OF TIBET. Richard Cobsen-Sanderson. 1927 1st. ppxvi + 262 port. frontis. many illus. lacks fold. map. orig. black cloth gilt. Very Good- £140
Hedin S. A CONQUEST OF TIBET. Macmillan and Co. 1935 1st. U.K. pp400. engraved sketches throughout. orig. cloth worn and faded. ex-Boots lib. uncommon. Good £35
Hedin S. ACROSS THE GOBI DESERT. George Routledge & Sons Ltd. 1931 1st. pp402. 114 illus. 3 maps [2 cold. fold.] orig. cloth gilt. sp. faded. Very Good £65
Hedin S. BIG HORSE'S FLIGHT. The Trail of War in Central Asia Macmillan and Co. 1935 1st. pp248. 122 illus. cold. fold. map. orig. black cloth gilt. Near Fine £175
Hedin S. FROM POLE TO POLE. Macmillan and Co. 1928 rpt. pp403. many maps and illus. orig. blue cloth gilt. Very Good £25
Hedin S. JEHOL : City of Emperors. Kehan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. Ltd. 1932 1st. pp278. 62 illus. 4 line illus. orig. tan cloth gilt. scarce. Very Good £120
Hedin S. THE SILK ROAD. George Routledge & Sons Ltd. 1938 1st. pp408 frontis. 30 b/w plates. cold. fold. map. orig. blue cloth gilt. Near Fine £75
Hedin S. THE WANDERING LAKE. E.P. Dutton & Co. 1940 1st. U.S. pp291. 32 illus. 76 sketches. 10 maps [1 fold.] orig. red cloth. Very Good in dw £48
Hedin S. TRANS-HIMALAYA. Discoveries and Adventures In Tibet. Macmillan and Co. 1910-1913 1st. pp436+424+414. 700+ illus. from photos., watercolour sketches and drawings by the author. 14 maps [2 fold.]. 3 volumes rebound in orig. red cloth gilt. sp. relaid. ex-lib copies. Good+ £225
Holdich Sir T. TIBET THE MYSTERIOUS. Alston Rivers. [1906] 1st. pp341. maps [1 fold.], diagrams, frontis. and other illus. orig. green cloth gilt. dec. Nr. Fine £195
Hutchinson Col. H.D. THE CAMPAIGN IN TIRAH 1897-1898. An Account of the Expedition Against the Orakzais & Afridis under Gen. Sir Wm. Lockhart. 1898 1st. pp250. 20 illus., 7 maps [1 fold.] and plans. orig. green cloth gilt. st. Good. £135
Jefferson R.L. A NEW RIDE TO KHIVA. Methuen. 1899 1st. pp312. frontis. many illus. recased in orig. pict. dec. cold. cloth gilt. pres. copy signed by the author. rare. Good £220
Jenkins Lady M. SPORT & TRAVEL IN BOTH TIBETS. Blades, East and Blades. 1909 1st. pp With Map and Twenty Five Coloured Illustrations Exactly Reproduced from the Authoress's Original Sketches. rebound in black buckram, red title label. Very Good £125
Kaulback R. TIBETAN TREK. Hodder & Stoughton. 1934 1st. pp300. frontis. 15 illus. 2 maps. orig. black cloth gilt. Near Fine in Bip Pares dw £120
Kingdon-Ward Capt. F. FROM CHINA TO HKAMTI LONG. Edward Arnold. 1924 1st. pp317. frontis. 19 illus. 2 maps, [1fold.] orig. black cloth. scarce. Near Fine- £350
Kingdon-Ward Capt. F. HIMALAYAN ENCHANTMENT. an anthology. Serendia. 1990 1st. pp254. illus. map. Fine. £20
Kingdon-Ward F. IN FARTHEST BURMA. The Record of an Arduous Journey of Exploration & Research through the Unknown Frontier Territory of Burma & Tibet. Lippincott. 1921 1st. U.S. pp311. frontis. with 22 illus. and 2 maps. in orig. black cloth, green pict. very rare indeed. Near Fine- in unclipped dw £795
Kingdon-Ward J. MY HILL SO STRONG. Jonathan Cape. 1952 1st. pp240. frontis. 15 illus. map. Very Good £32
Kingdon-Ward F. PILGRIMAGE FOR PLANTS. Harrap. 1960 1st. pp191. frontis. 35 illus. 2 text line illus. e.p. maps. Very Good- in dw £35
Kingdon-Ward F. PLANT HUNTER IN MANIPUR. Jonathan Cape. 1952 1st. pp254. frontis. 11 illus. fold. map. Very Good- £45
Kingdon-Ward F. PLANT HUNTER'S PARADISE. Jonathan Cape. 1937 1st. pp347. frontis. 12 illus. 2 maps. in orig. cloth, gilt. Near Fine in dw £125
Kingdon-Ward Capt. F. PLANT HUNTING IN THE WILDS. Figurehead. [1931] 1st. pp79. 8 illus. orig. cloth. Near Fine in dw £40
Kingdon-Ward Capt. F. RETURN TO THE IRRAWADDY. Melrose. 1956 1st. pp224. frontis. 45 illus. fold. map. orig. cloth. Very Good £20
Kingdon-Ward Capt. F. THE MYSTERY RIVERS OF TIBET. Seeley Service & Co. 1923 1st. pp316. 22 illus., 4 maps [1 fold.] original yellow decorative cloth rubbed & worn. Glasgow University ex-lib. nos. on sp. Good. £220
Kingdon-Ward Capt. F. THE ROMANCE OF GARDENING. Jonathan Cape. 1935 1st. pp271. frontis. 15 illus. orig. cloth. Near Fine in unclipped dw £50
Kopp H. HIMALAYA SHUTTLECOCK. Hutchinson. 1957 1st. pp191. frontis. 18 illus. orig. blue cloth gilt. uncommon. Very Good £26
Krist G. ALONE THROUGH THE FORBIDDEN LAND. Journeys in Disguise through Soviet Central Asia Faber and Faber. 1938 1st. pp271. 118 illus. 3 plans, 2 fold. maps. orig. cloth gilt. Very Good £45
Lesdain Count de FROM PEKIN TO SIKKIM. Through the Ordos, the Gobi Desert, and Tibet. John Murray. 1908 1st. pp301. maps. and illus. orig. red cloth gilt. uncut. sp. faded. Near Fine- £175
Lyte C. FRANK KINGDON-WARD. The Last of the Great Plant Hunters. John Murray. 1989 1st. pp218. illus. Near Fine in unclipped dw £12
Macartney Lady AN ENGLISH LADY IN CHINESE TURKESTAN. Ernest Benn. 1931 1st. pp236. frontis. 3 illus. map. orig. green cloth. quite rare. Very Good- £95
MacDonald D. THE LAND OF THE LAMA. Seeley, Service & Co. Limited. 1929 1st. pp283. frontis. 45 illus. fold. map. orig. yellow cloth gilt dec. Very Good- £425
Maillart E.K. CRUISES AND CARAVANS. J.M. Dent. 1944 rpt. pp161. port. frontis. 26 illus. e.p. maps. orig. cloth. faded. Very Good- £8
Maillart E.M. FORBIDDEN JOURNEY. From Peking to Kashmir . William Heinemann Ltd. 1937 1st. pp312. illus. 3 maps. [1 fold.] orig. cloth gilt. Near Fine £45
Maillart E. THE LAND OF THE SHERPAS. Hodder & Stoughton. 1955 1st. pp61. map. 78 photo illus. orig. cloth gilt. Very Good in dw £32
Maillart E.K. TURKESTAN SOLO. One Woman's Expedition from the Tien Shan to the Kizil Kum Putnam. 1934 1st. pp307. many illus. maps e.p. and fold. orig. cloth. Very Good £165
Maraini F. KARAKORAM. The Ascent of Gasherbrum IV. Hutchinson. 1961 1st. pp320. 107 cold. and b.w. illus. maps. orig. cloth rubbed on sp. Very Good- £24
Maraini F. SECRET TIBET. Hutchinson. 1952 1st. pp251. 60 plates. orig. cloth. Very Good in dw £32
Maraini F. WHERE FOUR WORLDS MEET. Hindu Kush, 1959. Hamish Hamilton. 1965 1st. pp290. 163 cold. & mono illus. e.p. and 4 maps. ex-lib. r.s.m. Very Good- in dw £24
Markham Col. F. SHOOTING IN THE HIMALAYAS. A Journal of Sporting Adventures and Travel in Chinese Tartary, Ladac, Thibet, Cashmere &c. Richard Bentley. 1854 1st. pp375. guarded tinted lithographic frontis. (of bear stalking). 7 other tinted lithographic plates. 15 woodcut vignettes in text. b/w folding map. recased in orig. cloth gilt. dec. Very Good £350
Marvin C. THE RUSSIANS AT THE GATES OF HERAT. Charles Scribner's Sons 1885 1st. U.S. pp185. 2 maps. 6 port. illus. orig. tan cloth. Very Good- £95
McGovern W.M. TO LHASA IN DISGUISE. A Secret Expedition Through Mysterious Tibet Thornton Butterworth. 1924 1st. pp352. 4 maps. frontis. and illus. orig. blue cloth gilt worn. Good £15
Morris J. HIRED TO KILL. Some Chapters Of Autobiography. Hart-Davis. 1960 1st. pp272. 3 maps. Very Good in dw £28
Morris J. LIVING WITH LEPCHAS. A Book about the Sikkim Himalayas. William Heinemann. 1938 1st. pp312. frontis. e.p. maps. many illus. orig. cloth gilt. Very Good £34
Nansen F. THROUGH SIBERIA. The Land of the Future. Heinemann 1914 1st. pp478. frontis. port., 155 plates on 94, 3 large folding maps. rebound in plain brown buckram, gilt. Very Good £95
Nazaroff P.S MOVED ON! From Kashmir to Kashgar. George Allen & Unwin. 1935 1st. pp317. frontis. illus. fold. map. orig. cloth gilt. ex-Boots. lib. Very Good- £35
Noyce W. TO THE UNKNOWN MOUNTAIN. Ascent of an Unexplored 25,000er in the Karakoram. Heinemann. 1962 1st. pp183. 19 photos. 3 maps. with an appendix by Don Whillans. Very Good- in dw £26
Olufsen O. THROUGH THE UNKNOWN PAMIRS. The Second Danish Pamir Expedition 1898-99. William Heinemann. 1904 1st. pp238. maps [fold.] and numerous illus. orig. red cloth gilt. Very Good £150
Pennell A.M. PENNEL OF THE AFGHAN BORDER. The Life of Thomas Leighton Pennell. Seeley, Service & Co. Ltd. 1914 1st. pp464. 20 illus. 2 maps [1 fold.] recased in orig. red cloth gilt. dec. sp. faded. Very Good- £75
Polovtsoff A. THE LAND OF TIMUR. Recollections of Russian Turkestan. Methuen & Co. 1932 1st. pp209 10 illus. e.p. map. orig. blue cloth gilt. ex-Boots lib. Good £18
Rockhill W.W. THE LAND OF THE LAMAS. Notes of a Journey through China Mongolia and Tibet. Longmans, Green, and Co. 1891 1st. pp298. frontis. 60 illus. 2 fold. maps. orig. blue cloth, red leather sp. title label gilt. t.e.g. uncut. Very Good £395
Roerich N. ALTAI - HIMALAYA. A Travel Diary. Jarrolds. 1930 1st. pp407. 20 reproductions from paintings. orig. blue dec. cloth, sl. faded. Very Good £120
Romm M. THE ASCENT OF MOUNT STALIN. Lawrence and Wishart. 1936 1st. pp270. frontis. and 30 illus. fold. map. orig. blue cloth a little dull. Very Good £75
Ross F.E. CENTRAL ASIA. Personal Narrative of General Josiah Harlin 1823 - 1841. Luzac & Co. 1939 1st. pp163. frontis. 3 illus. fold. map. orig. blue cloth gilt. Near Fine in dw £125
Schomberg R.C.F BETWEEN THE OXUS AND THE INDUS. Hopkinson. 1935 1st. pp270. 16 photo illus. fold. map. orig. blue cloth gilt. Very Good £150
Scott J.M. THE SILVER LAND. Hodder & Stoughton Ltd. 1937 1st. pp314. Arctic fiction. scarce. Bip Pares designed. Very Good- in dw £40
Scott J.M. THE WILL AND THE WAY. Hodder & Stoughton. 1949 1st. pp251. Monte Rosa fiction. e.p. map by Bip Pares. Very Good- in poorish dw £28
Sherson E. TOWNSHEND OF CHITRAL AND KUT. William Heinemann. 1928 1st. pp411. frontis. 7 illus. orig. red cloth gilt. Very Good- £42
Shipton E. BLANK ON THE MAP. Hodder & Stoughton. 1938 1st. pp280. frontis. 49 illus. 3 maps [1 fold.] Bip Pares illus. head and tail pieces. orig. black cloth wrinkled. r.s.m. rare Very Good- in laser copy dw £345
Shipton D. THE ANTIQUE LAND. Hodder & Stoughton. 1950 1st. pp219. 23 illus. e.p. maps. chapter head-pieces. orig. green cloth sl. rubbed. Very Good- £75
Skrede W. ACROSS THE ROOF OF THE WORLD. W.W. Norton. 1955 1st. U.S. pp223. 21 illus. e.p. maps. orig. blue cloth. Very Good in dw £15
Skrine C.P. CHINESE CENTRAL ASIA. Methuen & Co. Ltd. 1926 1st. pp296. cold. frontis. 51 illus. 5 panoramas. 2 cold. fold. maps. orig. cloth gilt. spine split. ex-Times Book Club. Good £95
Skrine F.H. and Ross E.D. THE HEART OF ASIA. a History of Russian Turkestan and the Central Asian Khanates From the Earliest Times . Methuen & Co. 1899 1st. pp444. 19 illus. from sketches, numerous photographs. 2 maps [1 cold. fold.] orig. blue cloth gilt. dec. Very Good £175
Stein Sir A. ON ALEXANDER'S TRACK TO THE INDUS. Personal Narrative of Explorations on the North-west Frontier of India. Macmillan and Co. 1929 1st. pp182. With numerous illustrations and maps from original surveys. orig. tan cloth gilt. sl. raised at sp. corners bumped. t.e.g. Publisher's review copy with slip. Rare. Very Good £495
Sykes P. THE QUEST FOR CATHAY. A. & C. Black Ltd. 1936 1st. pp280. 16 plates, cold. frontis, 9 maps. orig. cloth gilt. faded. Very Good- £18
Sykes E. and Sir P. THROUGH DESERTS AND OASES OF CENTRAL ASIA. MacMillan & Co. Ltd. 1920 1st. pp340. frontis. 45 illus. cold. 2 maps. 1 fold. e.p. orig. black cloth with red dec. sl. faded and nicked. signed presentation copy ' E. Edwards with much regard from P. W. Sykes London 26.II.20' Very Good- £725
Teichman Sir E. AFFAIRS OF CHINA. A Survey of the Recent History and Present Circumstances of the Republic of China. Methuen. 1932 1st. pp311. 3 maps. orig. cloth gilt. ex-lib. Good £25
Tilman H.W. CHINA TO CHITRAL. C.U.P. 1951 1st. pp124. 69 photos by the Author. 4 maps. orig. red cloth gilt. black block on f.e.p. o.w. Near Fine in dw £85
Tilman H.W. MISCHIEF IN GREENLAND. Hollis & Carter. 1964 1st. pp192. frontis. illus. and track charts. Very Good in dw £95
Tilman H.W. TWO MOUNTAINS AND A RIVER. C.U.P. 1949 1st. pp233. frontis. 82 photos. 6 maps. rebound in blue cloth. Good £22
Vincent I.V. THE SACRED OASIS. Caves of the Thousand Buddhas Tun Huang. Faber and Faber. 1953 1st. pp114. cold. frontis. 48 pages of b/w illus. fold. map. orig. cloth gilt. Very Good in dw £30
Waller D. THE PUNDITS. British Exploration of Tibet and Central Asia. University of Kentucky Press. 1990 1st. pp327. illus. 9 maps. orig. cloth gilt. Near Fine in dw £48
Wignall S. PRISONER IN RED TIBET. The Welsh Himalayan Expedition 1955. Hutchinson & Co. 1957 1st. pp264. 32 illus. text figs. e.p. maps. The title page is missing! orig. cloth gilt. not in Neate?? Very Good- in dw £15
Younghusband Sir F. DAWN IN INDIA. British Purpose and Indian Aspiration. John Murray. 1934 1st. pp331. orig. blue cloth gilt. Very Good £15
Younghusband F. THE LIGHT OF EXPERIENCE. A review of some men and events of my time. Constable. 1927 1st. pp304. map. orig. cloth gilt. worn. Good. £18
Younghusband Capt. G.J. and Capt. F. E. THE RELIEF OF CHITRAL. Macmillan and Co. 1895 1st. pp183. map and illus. [2 fold.] orig. red cloth gilt design. Very Good £85
Younghusband Col. G.J. THE STORY OF THE GUIDES. Macmillan and Co. 1908 rpt. pp207. 16 b/w plates. orig. red cloth gilt. sl. faded. uncut. Very Good £65
Younghusband Sir F. WONDERS OF THE HIMALAYA. John Murray. 1924 rpt. pp210. frontis. map. orig. cloth gilt. school prize motif and label. Very Good £18
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