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Livres  Montagnes - Livres Alpinisme - Livres Mont Blanc - Libri Alpina Anciennes et Nouveaux à vendre

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livres d’alpinisme - livres de montagnes - livres Mont Blanc - anciennes et  nouveaux à vendre

Anon.  LA VALLEE DU RHONE (SUISSE) ET CHAMONIX.   c1920?   pp80.  'gratis' souvenir with many illus. and cold. fold. map. orig. cold. litho wrappers with illus. of the Matterhorn. Fine.  € 44

Anon.  SOUVENIRS DE VOYAGES. SUISSE ET SAVOIE 1835.   Marius Olive. Marseilles.  1842 1st.  pp63.  title vignette. tail-end engravings. 10 letters. large margins. orig. printed wrappers, bound in modern binding. Near Fine.  € 413

Ardito Stefano LE MONT BLANC.   Grund. 1996 1st.    New in dw € 39

Argentier A. GUIDE PRATIQUE AUX BAINS DE PRE-ST-DIDIER EN VAL D'AOSTE.   Imp. de Damien Lyboz.  1857 1st.  pp78.  orig. printed wrappers, a little foxed and browned. Very Good -.  € 264

Auldjo, Esq. John NARRATIVE OF AN ASCENT TO THE SUMMIT OF MONT BLANC, on the 8th and 9th August, 1827.  Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green. 1828 1st.  pp120.  15 engraved plates drawn on stone and folding panorama of the chain of Mont Blanc drawn on stone by J.D. Harding, 2 maps [one of Mont Blanc and surrounding Mountains], plan, facsimile certificate, geological table and comparative heights of the principal mountains in Europe. [total 22 complete] The large paper edition with wide margins. all edges gilt. original fine calf binding, raised bands, leather sp. label. gilt decoration tooling, some sl. rubbing. overall a very handsome copy of this rare and sought after book.

Barbe C. UN MOIS EN SUISSE.   Megard et Co. Rouen.  1868 1st.  pp256.  1 plate. orig. red cloth gilt. a.e.g. Near Fine.  € 72

Begin E. VOYAGE PITTORESQUE EN SUISSE EN SAVOIE ET SUR LES ALPES.   Belin-Leprieur et Morizot, Paris.  [1851] 1st.  pp560.  24 steel engraved plates. (16 views and 8 hand cold. costumes of Swiss cantons).    beautiful orig. cloth decorated in colour and gilt. a.e.g. Rare. [Meckly 17, Perret 350] Near Fine -.  € 935

Begin E. VOYAGE PITTORESQUE EN SUISSE EN SAVOIE ET SUR LES ALPES.   Belin-Leprieur et Morizot, Paris. [1851] 1st.  pp560.  24 steel engraved plates. (16 views and 8 hand cold. costumes of Swiss cantons).    cont. French half morroco, cloth boards. Rare. [Meckly 17, Perret 350] Near Fine.  € 545

Berlepsch H.A. DIE ALPEN IN NATUR UND LEBENSBILDERN.   Hermann Goftenoble. 1861 1st.  pp441.  16 full page engraved plates by Emil Rittmener. ornate gilt dec. cloth. Near Fine.  € 154

Berlepsch H.A. DIE ALPEN IN NATUR- UND LEBENSBILDERN.   Hermann Goftenoble. 1871 4th.  pp514.  22 full page engraved plates by Emil Rittmener. orig. gilt pict. dec. cloth. chipped at top and bottom of gilt dec. sp. Very Good.  € 160

Berlepsch H.A. LES ALPES DESCRIPTIONS ET RECITS.   H. Georg. 1868   pp448.  16 full page wood engraved plates. french half calf, tortoiseshell boards. Near Fine.  € 132

Bernardi A. IL GRAND CERVINO Antologia  Zanichelli, Bologna. 1963 1st.  pp320. profusely illustrated pres. copy to D.F.O. Dangar from the Author. Very Good. in dw € 66

Bernardi A. IL MONTE BIANCO Un secolo di alpinismo  Zanichelli, Bologna. 1966 1st.  pp342.  profusely illustrated pres. copy to D.F.O. Dangar from the Author. Very Good. in dw € 66

Bertolotti D. STORIA DELLA SVIZZERA.   Dalla Tipografia di Commercio. Milano.  1823 1st.  pp216+192+223 engraved frontis. 7 plates. 3 vols. in one. 12vo. half calf, marbled boards. Very Good.  € 248

Bonamici G. IL GIORNALE DI UN VIAGGIO NELLA SVIZZERA  durante l'agosto del 1854.  Sebastiano Franco. Torino. 1854 1st.  pp109.   orig. printed wrappers detached. Very Good -.  € 160

Borgeaud M - N. GABRIEL LOPPE. Peintre, Photographe & Alpiniste.  Glenat, Paris.  2003 1st.  pp136.  many coloured illustrations. cold. pict. boards. Signed by the Author. New in dw € 50

Brandes J. & S. E.T. COMPTON.   Bergverlag Rother.  2007 1st. pp392 602 illus. many in colour. A big book weighing 3kgs. 30.5 x 28.5 cms. text in German. Signed by the Authors. New in dw € 105

Bregault H. LA CATENA DEL MONTE BIANCO.   Istituto Geografico de Agostini. Roma.  1928 1st. italian.   pp162.  opera adorne di 10 aquarelli fuori testo de E. Brun, Fourcy, F. Schrader. re-cased in orig. pict. cold. boards. Very Good.  € 72

Bregault H. LA CHAINE DU MONT-BLANC.   Alpina. Paris.  1928 1st.  pp162.  ouvrages orne de 10 aquarelles en hors texte de E. Brun, Fourcy, F. Schrader. justification tirage exemplaire no. 10. and bound in original french half calf with marbled boards and raised bands. No. 10 of a Limited Edition. Near Fine.  € 314

Canziani E. COSTUMES, TRADITIONS AND SONGS OF SAVOY.   Chatto & Windus.  1911 1st.  pp180.  illustrated with 50 cold. mounted reproductions of pictures and many line drawings. half calf rebound with orig. gilt  cold. pict. dec. boards, marked on edges. t e.g. ex-lib. punched stamp on title page. o.w. Very Good -.  € 528

Canziani E. & Rohde E. PIEDMONT.   Chatto & Windus.  1913 1st.  pp204.  illustrated with 50 cold. mounted reproductions of pictures and many line drawings. orig. gilt dec. cloth. t.e.g. Near Fine -.  € 528

Chagny A. LE MONT BLANC. Chamonix - Argentieres - Saint-Gervais  G.L. Arlaud, Lyon.  1935 1st.  pp68.  60 heliogravure illus. illus. card wrappers. Near Fine.  € 17

Champin J.-J. ALBUM PORTATIF dedie Aux Amateurs et particulierement aux Voyageurs en SUISSE. (Pocket Album Dedicated to Amateurs and particulalry to travellers in Switzerland)   Rue Neuve St. Roch, No.30, Paris. c1840 1st.  40 stone engraved Swiss views inc. Mont Blanc, Sallenches, Wetterhorn after designs by Champin. 16pp of text in French and English. orig. plain boards. Very Good.  € 935

Christen E. MAURICE CRETTEZ. Guide Legendaire.   Labor et Fides.  c1950? 1st.  pp72.  uncut. no. 120 of 300 copies. pres. copy from Marcel Kurz. orig. wrappers. Fine.  € 50

Christofel U. LA MONTAGNE DANS LA PEINTURE.    S.A.C. 1963 1st.  pp136.  56 cold. and b/w plates. orig. wrappers. Very Good -.  € 11

Coolidge W.A.B. LE SIRAC ( DANS L'HISTOIRE ALPINE) Extrait de  la Revue des Alpes Dauphinoises.  1906   pp16. 2 photos. SIGNED 'Hommage de l'auteur'. Very Good.  € 50

Coolidge W.A.B. LES ORIGINES DU GRAND COMBIN, DU MONT COLLON ET LA LEGENDE DE LA CRETE A COLLON. Extrait de  la Societe de la Flore valdotaine.  1913   pp16.  SIGNED 'Hommage de l'auteur'. Very Good.  € 50

Coppier A.-C. LES PORTRAITS DU MONT-BLANC.   Librairie Dardel. Chambery.  1924 Limited Edition. Un-numbered Exemplaire.  pp128.  Aquarelles, Pastels, Dessins au Roseau at Brou de Noix en Texte. orig. cold. printed wrappers. 4to. Near Fine. in dw € 330

Coxe W. LETTERS DE M. WILLIAM COXE A M.W. MELMOTH DE LA SUISSE.  Chez Belin a Paris. 1782 2nd. French ed.  pp328+347  2 vols. cont. tree calf, gilt. 12vo Very Good -.  € 160

Coxe W. VOYAGE EN SUISSE.  Chez Letellier a Paris. 1790   pp454+432+463 with the magnificent fold. map of Mont Blanc et Alpes Adjacentes and 5 fold. plates. 3 vols. cont. tree calf, gilt. 8vo Very Good.  € 330

Dalloz P. HAUTE MONTAGNE.    Paul Hartmann.  1931 1st.  88 sepia photo illus.  photo illus. wrappers.  Very Good.  € 28

Depping G.-B. LA SUISSE OU ESQUISSE D'UN TABLEAU HISTORIQUE, PITTORESQUE ET MORAL DES CANTONS HELVETIQUES;   d'Al. Eymery. Paris. 1824 2nd.  pp243+211+242+249 fold. engraved frontis. of Lausanne. fold plates of Chillon, Berne, costumes, Lac de Zurich, Pfeffers, Gersau, Altorf, Sempach, costumes, Grisons, Sion. fold. table. lacks fold. map? 4 vols. 16vo. cont. vellum and boards. Very Good -.  € 358

Devies, L. et Laloue, M. GUIDE DU MASSIF DES ECRINS. (Meije, Ecrins, Ailefroide, Pelvoux, Bans, Olan, Muzelle).  B. Arthaud.  1951 2nd.  pp475 & 427.  many route diagrams. 2 vols. in orig cloth. Very Good.  € 44

Diggelmann A.W. DIE JUNGFRAU MEIN BERG.   Zurich.  1958 1st  pp12  22 lithographs all signed and numbered [2 panoramas] in large portfolio Signed by the artist. no. 156 of a limited edition of 600 copies. in original slipcase. Very Good.  € 165

Ducommon J.-C. UNE EXCURSION AU MONT-BLANC.   H. Georg. 1859 2nd.  pp32.  3 engraved plates. orig. printed wrappers. uncut and unopened. Fine.  € 242

Dumas A. IMPRESSIONS DE VOYAGE.   Maresq et Cie. Paris. 1855 nouvelle edn.  pp162+154+153 53 full page engravings on wood, with many text engravings.  3 vols. with orig. printed wrappers bound in one. half calf gilt, raised bands. Very Good -.  € 210

Dupaigne A. LES MONTAGNES.   Alfred Mame.  1873 1st.  pp640.  99 full page and text engravings. 7 cold. charts. french half calf. marbled boards. Near Fine -.  € 138

Durier C. LE MONT-BLANC.   Sandoz et Fischbacher. 33 Rue de Seine, Paris.  1881 3rd.  pp416.  cold. fold. map. french half calf binding. Very Good -.  € 127

Ebel J.G. INSTRUCTIONS POUR UN VOYAGEUR QUI SE PROPOSE- DE PARCOURIR LA SUISSE.   J.J. Tourneissen, Basle. 1795 1st. French ed.  pp294+370  7 fold. engraved fold. panoramas and fold. plate of early 3 point crampon for the heel. 2 parts in one vol. cloth backed marbled boards. Very Good.  € 655

Engel C-E. BYRON ET SHELLEY. En Suisse et En Savoie.  Librairie Dardel - Chambery.  1930 Limited Edition.  pp111.  frontis. 3 plates. orig. printed wrappers. uncut. No. 6 of the rare limited edition. Fine  € 275

Engel C.E. LE MONT BLANC.   Attinger.   1946 1st.  pp186.  17 plates.  bound in blue buckram, with original wrappers. Presentation copy from R.L.G. Irving.  Very Good -.  € 26

Engel C.E. LE MONT-BLANC. lieu dit.  Les Editions du Temps.  1961 1st.  cold and b/w illus.   Very Good. in dw € 22

Ferrand H. AUTOUR DU MONT BLANC. Chamouni - La Vallee d'Aoste - Le Grand et Le Petit Saint-Bernard.  Jules Rey. Grenoble.  1920 1st.  pp157.  193 gravures en phototypie. orig. photo. printed wrappers. 4to. uncut and unopened. Near Fine.  € 165

Finch G.I. COMMENT ON DEVIENT ALPINISTE.   Librairie Dardel. Chambery.  1926 1st.  pp326.  illus. unopened. printed wrappers. Near Fine -.  € 17

Forbes J.D. UND DIE GLETSCHER DES MONT-BLANC IM BESONDERN. Mittheilungen Geographischer...... von Dr. A Petermann.  Gotha: Justus Perthes. 1855 1st.  pp173-199 with coloured folding map of the Mer de Glace of Chamouni. orig. printed wrappers. Very Good.  € 171

Frison-Roche R. PREMIER DE CORDEE   Arthaud.  1963 rpt.  pp318.  16 illus. unopened. wrappers. Near Fine. in dw € 11

Frison-Roche R. SUR LES TRACES DE PREMIER DE CORDEE.   Arthaud.  1952 1st.  pp100.  22 cold. and 59 b/w illus. cold. wrappers. Very Good. in dw € 17

Frison-Roche R. and Tairraz P. MONT BLANC AUX SEPT VALLEES.   Arthaud.  1959 1st.  pp266.  170 heliogravure illus. marbled boards and vellum sp. gilt. Near Fine.  € 22

Gaillard E. et Montagnier H.F.-  LETTRES DE H.-B. DE SAUSSURE A SA FEMME.   Librairie Dardel - Chambery.  1937 Limited Edition.  pp127.  no. 95 of 500 copies. portrait. orig. printed wrappers. uncut. rare. Fine. in dw € 193

Gantier Felix. LINDA DI CHAMONIX. Operatic Gems. No. 14  Charles Jeffreys.  c1875   chromolithograph music cover 30 x 22 cms. view of the Valley of Chamouni and Mont Blanc.  Good.  € 248

Giusta C.G. -A. GUIDA AI BAGNI ED ALLE ACQUE MINERALE...DI COURMAYEUR....PRES-ST.-DIDIER. solforose, alcaline, iodurate e bromurate.  Courmayeur.  1875 1st.  pp150.  2 fold. lithographed views. (Courmayeur & St.-Didier). original printed wrappers. uncut & unopened.  Very Fine.  € 330

Gobat A. HISTOIRE DE LA SUISSE racontee au peuple.   F. Zahn.  1909 1st.  pp661.  very many text, full page and fold. illus. orig. red cloth dec. silver. Near Fine -.  € 44

Gos C. L'EPOPEE ALPESTRE.   Victor Attinger.  [1944] 1st.  pp160+.  orig. printed wrappers. Presentation copy from the author to R.L.G. Irving. Very Good -.  € 66

Gos. C. TRAGEDIES ALPESTRES.   Librairie Payot.  1946 2nd.  pp304.  34 illus. orig. printed wrappers. Presentation copy from the author to R.L.G. Irving. Very Good -.  € 66

Gourdault J. LA SUISSE, ETUDES ET VOYAGES. A Travers les 22 Cantons.  Librairie Hachette et Cie.  1879 1st.  pp714 + 722 750 ful page and text enravings on wood. 2 volumes folio, full morocco, dec. gilt. a.e.g. some st. at rear of vol. I Very Good.  € 385

Gussfeldt P. LE MONT BLANC. Ascensions d'Hiver et d'Ete. Etudes dans les Haute Montagne.  P.G. Drehmann, Geneve. 1900 2 mille.  pp344.  with 6 gravures, diagram, carte (cold. fold). original coloured pict. printed wrappers. uncut.  Fine.  € 138

Gussfeldt P. LE MONT BLANC. Ascensions d'Hiver et d'Ete. Etudes dans les Haute Montagne.  P.G. Drehmann, Geneve. 1899   pp344.  with 6 gravures, diagram, carte (cold. fold). French half calf binding. Very Good -.  € 77

Hackert C., Hess, Hegui, Konig, Lory, Meyer, Wetzel etc.  CENT VUES SUISSES, Remarquables par leur situation, ou par des faits historiques. chez Orell, Fussli et comp., Zurich c1800 1st. pp8 + 100 etchings of the Cantons of Zuric, Berne, Lucerne, d'Uri, Schwytz, d'Unterwalden, Zoug, Glarus, Bale, Fribourg, Soleure, Schaffhousen, d'Appenzell, St. Gall, Grisons, d'Argovie, Thourgovie, Tessin, Vaud, Valais, Geneve. oblong 8vo [12.5 x 19.5 cms.] cont. full calf gilt. recased. Very Good.  € 2,200

Heer Dr. O. LE MONDE PRIMITIF DE LA SUISSE.   H. Georg. Geneve et Bale.  1872 1st.  ppxvi+801.  7 tinted plates. engravings in text. 11 plates at end. cold. map. half calf, marbled boards. Very Good.  € 55

Herzog M. LA MONTAGNE.   Librairie Larousse. Paris.  1956 1st.  pp476.  very many cold. and b/w illus. SIGNED pres. copy from the Author. worn and torn  Very Good -. in dw € 83

Hondius J. SABAUDIA DUCATUS, LA SAVOIE.   Amstelodami.  c1590   A FINE MAP showing CHAMONIX. 38 x 50 cm. A rare early map of Chamonis (est inscrit dans le 'Fossigny'). Near Fine.  € 605

Joanne A. GEOGRAPHIE DU DEPARTMENT DES VOSGES.   Hachette et Cie. 1886 7th.  pp74.  avec une carte coloriee et 16 gravures. orig. boards. Very Good.  € 31

Keller H. DESCRIPTION DU MONT-RIGI. des Chemins qui y conduisent et de la Celebre Perspective dont on jouit sur sa cime.  chez Fueslli et Compagnie, Zurich. 1824 1st.  pp90.  title vignette of the panorama (1823) the rare text description, without the panorama. orig. paper wrappers. Very Good -.  € 220

Krusi Chr. LA SUISSE ILLUSTREE. Das Schweizerland in Bild und Wort.  Chr. Krusi. Basel.  1867 - 72 1st.  engraved pictorial title. 80 engraved plates [76 views and 4 souvenirs] after Krusi in Basel and Albrecht in Lenzburg. some foxing. apparently the 2nd. volume of plates only. cont. half calf. Rare. [Gattlen p.139] Very Good.  € 1,760

Kurz M. GUIDE DE LA CHAINE DU MONT BLANC   Librairie Payot.  1935 4th.  pp501.  56 illus.  Near Fine.  € 13

Kurz L. and Colomb E. LA PARTIE SUISSE DE LA CHAINE DU MONT BLANC   Paul Attinger, Neuchatel.  1900 1st.  pp232.  fold. panorama. printed wrappers.

Lefebure C. MES ATAPES D'ALPINISME.   C.A.F. 1904 Limited Edition.  pp239.  Edition of 650 copies. 139 illus. signed by Author orig. pict. cloth. Near Fine -.  € 66

Lepiney de. J. et T. SUR LES CRETES DU MONT BLANC. Recits D'Ascensions.  M. Dardel. Chambery.  1929 1st.   pp178.  24 illus. orig. printed wrappers. uncut and unopened. Fine.  € 39

Levasseur E. LES ALPES ET LES GRANDES ASCENSIONS.   Charles Delagrave. Paris. 1889 1st.  pp456.  75 figures. orig. red dec. cloth. sp. worn. a.e.g. Very Good -.  € 105

Levasseur E. LES ALPES ET LES GRANDES ASCENSIONS.   Charles Delagrave. Paris. 1889 7th.  pp392.  75 figures. orig. red dec. cloth. sp. worn. a.e.g. Very Good -.  € 72

Levasseur E. LES ALPES ET LES GRANDES ASCENSIONS.   Charles Delagrave. Paris. 1889 1st.  pp456.  75 figures. orig. front wrapper. loose and unopened. some foxing. Good.  € 55

Mallet P.E. STORIA DEGLI SVIZZERI O ELVEZJ.   Nicolo Bettoni. Milano.  1823 1st.  pp567+728 large fold. map La Rebulica Helvetica. half calf, marbled boards. Very Good.  € 154

Martin A. LA SUISSE PITTORESQUE ET SES ENVIRONS. Tableau General, Descriptif, Historique et Statistique des 22 Cantons, de la Savoie, d'une Partie du Piedmont et du Pays de Bade.  Hippolyte Souverain. Paris. 1835 1st.  pp374. frontis. 160 engraved plates (2 to the page) Mont Blanc, Chamouni, Aosta, Ivrea etc. fold. map Carte Routiere Suisse par Keller 1843. mostly browned. calf backed, marbled boards. rare, Very Good -.  € 440

Mazeaud P. MONTAGNE POUR UN HOMME NU.   Arthaud.  1973 rpt.  pp287.  25 illus. p.b. Near Fine.  € 11

Mazzotti G. INTRODUZIONE ALLA MONTAGNA.   Editrice Canova, Treviso. 1946 1st.  pp286. 42 illus. no. 100 of 200 copies presented by the Author with signed insc. to G. Winthrop Young. Very Good -.  € 110

Payot P. et Tairraz G. CHAMONIX ET LE MONT BLANC.   Arthaud.  1949 1st.  pp72.  44 heliogravures. fold. map. orig. pict. wrappers. Very Good -.  € 13

Petit V. SOUVENIRS DES PYRENEES. Vues pises aux Environs etc. Souvenirs de Pau, Des Eaux-Bonnes, Eaux-Chaudes, Cauterets et Hautes Pyrenees.  Auguste Bassy, Pau.  c1855 1st.  Folio. col. litho fold. panorama des Pyrenees, 3 other panoramas, 4 title vignettes and 43 full page tinted litho views. orig. cloth gilt, morroco sp., some wear. Very Good -.  € 715

Petit V. SOUVENIRS DES PYRENEES. Vues pises aux Environs etc. Souvenirs de Pau, Des Eaux-Bonnes, Eaux-Chaudes, Cauterets et Hautes Pyrenees.  Auguste Bassy, Pau.  c1855 1st.  Folio. col. litho panorama (lacks half) and 38 full page tinted litho views. orig. cloth, morroco sp., some wear. Very Good -.  € 605

Picot J. STATISTIQUE DE LA SUISSE.   Barbeezat, Geneve.  1830 1st.  pp609.  fold. chart and 1 plate. cont. half French calf. Very Good.  € 132

Raoul Rochette D. LETTRES SUR QUELQUES CANTONS DE LA SUISSES. L'Ecrites en 1819.  H. Nicolle. 1820 1st.  pp494.  engraved frontis. Bookplate BIBLIOTHEKA RICKMERSIA (Rickmers-Rickmers). half calf. red. sp. label. Very Good.  € 66

Raoul-Rochette D. LETTERS SUR LA SUISSE ECRITES EN 1820. Suivies d'un Voyage a Chamouny et au Simplon.  N. Nepvue. Paris.  1822 1st.  pp416.  title vignette. 30 lettres pp.338 - 356 Chamouny. lettre xxviii. uncut. cont. red french binding. Very Good.  € 83

Raoul-Rochette D. LETTRES SUR LA SUISSE ECRITES EN 1820. Suivies d'un Voyage a Chamouny et au Simplon.  de l'Imprimerie Alliana.  1829 2nd.  pp195+200+208+200+212+271. frontis. Geneve 1816 plan . 6 vols. 8vo. in two. cont. half calf. rare. Very Good.  € 358

Rean V. MONTE BIANCO Evoluzione di un mito 1397 - 1899. Documenti, relazioni d'epoca e immagini dimenticate raccolte inuna collezione privata.  Vallee d'Aoste Culture.  1996 1st.  pp226.  many coloured and b/w illus. on almost every page. limited to 1000 copies. New in dw € 94

Relave Abbe P-M. RODOLPHE TOPFFER. Biographie et Extraits.  Librairie General, Lyon.  1899 1st.  pp418.  illus. de dessins originaux de l'auteur. french half calf, marbled boards, raised bands, retaining orig. wrappers. Very Good.  € 83

Relave Abbe P-M. RODOLPHE TOPFFER. Biographie et Extraits.  Librairie General, Lyon.  1899 1st.  pp418.  illus. de dessins originaux de l'auteur. loose in orig. wrappers. Good.  € 55

Rey R. GENEVE ET LES RIVES DU LEMAN.   M.H. Georg.  1868 1st.  pp436.   vellum sp. r.s.m. Very Good -.  € 66

Rochat-Cenise  JACQUES BALMAT DU MONT-BLANC.   Edgar Malfere.  1929 1st.  pp189.   orig. printed wrappers. Very Good -.  € 50

Rothmuller T. del. Lith de. Engelmann. A COLLECTION OF 44 SWISS VIEWS generally houses of the various cantons of Switzerland.   1826   engravings drawn on stone [9 x 11 cms.] inc. Zug, Ury, Brienz, Lucerne, Arth, Oberland, St. Gall, Glaris. etc. generally showing views of individual Swiss Chalet architecture. contained in contemporary slip-case. Very Good.  € 1,760

Runge (Lange) H.  LA SUISSE PITTORESQUE.   Druck & Verlag von G.G. Lange in Darmstadt.  c1869   67 steel engraved views  [13 x 17.5 cms.] inc. Das Chamouni-Thal. Chamouny und der Mont Blanc.  Das Matterhorn und Zermatt. Geneva, Lausanne, Vevey, Montreux, Martigny, Chamouny, Interlaken, Sion, Grindelwald, Thun etc. original french binding blind stamped cloth dec. gilt. Very Good -.  € 1,870

Samivel.  L'OPERA DE PICS.   Didier-Richard. Grenoble.  1985 1st.  pp86.  50 illus. pict. wrappers. Fine.  € 17

Saussure H-B de. JOURNAL D'UN VOYAGE A CHAMOUNI & A LA CIME DU MONT BLANC EN JUILLIET ET AOUST 1787.   Chez M. Audin & comp. a Lyon.  1926 Limited Edition.  pp xvii + 50 illus. plates. with 2 frontispieces! cont. morocco backed boards. no. 49 of 50 copies. rare. Very Good.  € 495

Saussure H.-B. de LA PREMIERE ASCENSION AU MONT BLANC.   Henri Gautier . c1940?   pp36.   wrappers. Very Good.  € 55

Saussure H-B de. LE MONT-BLANC ET LE COL DE GEANT.   Chez M. Audin & comp. a Lyon.  1927 1st.  pp96 reproductions of the original chapter vignettes and fold. plates. cont. calf backed boards. uncut. large margins. one of 400 copies. Very Good.  € 495

Saussure et leurs contemporains. H. -B. PREMIERS VOYAGES AU MONT-BLANC.   Club des Libraires.  1956 1st.  pp377.  some of the lod engravings reproduced and fold. covers decorated with Saussure ascent. exemplaire no. 3124. Near Fine.  € 28

Sauvy A. FLAMMES DE PIERRE.   Diadem.  1991 1st.  pp176.    Near Fine. in dw € 7

Schroter L. & Dr. C. FLORA COLORIEE Portative du Touriste dans les Alpes.   Albert Raustein, Zurich. c1939? 24th.  207 cold. Alpine FLowers on 24 chromolithograph plates.   Very Good.  € 22

Schwartz M. VERS L'IDEAL PAR LA MONTAGNE.   Paul  Dupont.  1924 1st.  pp168.  photo illus. and woodcut engravings. orig. pict. illus. wrappers. uncut. Very Good -.  € 50

Segogne H. de LA CHAINE DE L'AIGUILLE VERTE. Description de la Haute Montagne.  Fischbacher.  1926   pp241.  39 fold. dessins and charts. orig. cloth very worn. This copy is SIGNED with the ownership initials E E S of Eric Shipton. His own copy! Good.  € 435

Sinner J.R. VOYAGES HISTORIQUE ET LITTERAIRE DANS LA SUISSE OCCIDENTALE.   En Suisse.  1787 nouvelle edition augmantee.   pp314 & 358.  woodcut vignettes. cont. half French calf. Very Good -.  € 193

Smith Albert L'ECHO DU MONT - BLANC. Polka Dedicated to his Friend Albert Smith by Julien.  Julien & Co.  c1855   A fine stone lithograph illustrated Music Cover showing Mont Blancand Sallenche? by M. & H. Hanhart.  Very Good.  € 165

Taine H. VOYAGE AUX PYRENEES.   Hachette et Cie. 1881 new.  pp347.  full page engravings. french calf binding. gilt. a.e.g. Very Good -.  € 39

Thomson's New World Atlas  SWISSERLAND Map. 60 x 52 cms.   1814   hand cold. map (shows just 'the Priory of Chamoni'). with a fine engraved panorama of MONT BLANC 17.5 x 52 cms. incorporated in the overall size. Near Fine.  € 220

Tilly H. de ASCENSIONS AUX CIMES DE L'ETNA ET DU MONT BLANC.   De Chateauvieux et Pelletier Berthier-Guers, Geneve.  1835 Privately.  pp114.  with 2 engravings on stone Etna and  du Rocher des Grands Mulets. original blue printed wrappers restored. r.s.m. uncut, foxed throughout. Rebound in full leather binding gilt with raised bands. Very Rare. Very Good -.  € 2,200

Topffer R. HISTOIRE D'ALBERT. par Simon de Nantua. 1860.    Caillet. Paris.    pp41.  illustres de L'Auteur. 2 or 3 each page. half calf, raised bands gilt with red calf label, marbled e.p's and t.e.g. Near Fine -.  € 99

Topffer R. HISTOIRE DE MR. CREPIN. 1837.   imp. E. Duffrenoy, Paris. 1922   pp88.  illustres de L'Auteur. 2 or 3 each page. orig. red cloth. pict. dec. gilt. Very Good -.  € 37

Topffer R. HISTOIRE DE MR. PENSIL. 1860.   Caillet. Paris.    pp72.  illustres de L'Auteur. 2 or 3 each page. half calf, raised bands gilt with red calf label, marbled e.p's and t.e.g. Very Good -.  € 99

Topffer R. HISTOIRE DE MR. VIEUX-BOIS.   imp. E. Duffrenoy, Paris. 1922   pp92.  illustres de L'Auteur. 2 or 3 each page. orig. red cloth. pict. dec. gilt. Very Good.  € 37

Topffer R. LE DOCTEUR FESTUS.   Chez Garnier frere, rue des Sts. Peres. no6. [1873]   pp88.  illustres de L'Auteur. 2, 3 or 4 on each page. half french calf gilt. Near Fine -.  € 99

Topffer R. LES AMOURS DE MR. VIEUX BOIS.   Caillet. Paris. 1860 1st.  pp92.  illustres de L'Auteur. 2 or 3 each page. half calf, raised bands gilt with red calf label, marbled e.p's and t.e.g. fr. board loose. Very Good -.  € 99

Topffer R. LES VOYAGES EN ZIGZAG.   Emile Gaillard, Paris.   nouvelle edition.  pp317.  illustree de 65 dessins dont 15 hors texte Par P. Madeline. loose in original binding, red cloth sp. marbled boards. Good.  € 55

Topffer R. NOUVELLES GENEVOISES.   J.-J. Dubochet. Paris.  1845 1st.  pp350.  le premier tirage des illustrees d'apres les dessins de l'auteur. cont. half calf, marbled boards. raised bands gilt, but worn. otherwise Very Good -.  € 215

Topffer R. VOYAGE A LA GRANDE CHARTREUSE.   Editions d'Art Boissonnas.  1922   pp xix +50 + illus. 31 planches hors texte and 29 vignettes. no. 870 of an edition of 100 copies. Very Good -.  € 72

Topffer R. VOYAGE AUTOUR DU MONT-BLANC, dans les vallees d'Herens, de Zermatt et au Grimsel.  1843 1st.  48 engraved views 2 of Cervin, Grand St Barnard, Courmayeur, Val Ferret,  L'Allee Blanche Album joliment illustre par l'auteur. In original paper wrappers. TRES RARE. Very Good -.  € 2,035

Topffer R. VOYAGES EN ZIGZAG. ou Excursions D'Un Pensionnat en Vacances en Suisse et sur le revers Italien des Alpes.  J.J. Dubochet, Paris.  1844 1st.  pp448.  illustres d'apres des dessins de L'Auteur et ornes de 15 grands dessins par M. Calame. Rousseurs aux premiers et derniere pages. brown french half calf gilt, raised bands on spine. Very Good.  € 204

Topffer R. VOYAGES EN ZIGZAG.   Pierre Cailler.  1945 - 52   illustres. 5 vols. in orig. printed wrappers. Very Good.  € 110

Valbusa Prof. U. IL GHIACCIAIO DELLA BRENVA (M. BIANCO)  dal 20 Aprile 1923 al 15 Giugno 1924.  Tipografia Sociale. Torino.  1924 reprint from C.A.I.  pp12.  8 figs. printed wrappers. Very Good.  € 15

Vallot C. and Engel C-E. TABLEAU LITTERAIRE DU MASSIF DU MONT-BLANC.   Librairie Dardel, Chambery.  1930 Limited Edition no. 33/100 copies.   pp349.  sur papie verge d'arches. uncut and rebound in French (rexine?) binding. Near Fine.  € 83

Vittoz Ed. LES MERVEILLES DE LA SUISSE.   Nouvelles Editions Illustrees. Lausanne.  c1930?   pp4  144 plates contained in 24 packets. of text with each packet. The whole in a boxed set which is knocked and split. Very Good.  € 264

Walsh Le Comte T. VOYAGE EN SUISSE EN LOMBARDIE ET EN PIEMONT.   J. Vermot. Paris.  1862 1st.  pp496.  frontis and 10 tinted engraved plates by Hadamard. cont. fine French binding gilt. a.e.g. sl. foxing. Very Good.  € 176

Walton Elijah MONT BLANC from le col d'Anterne. A Limited Edition Fine Art print of 100 numbered copies.  Previously unpublished from the original watercolour of 1878. 1996   50.5 x 35 cms. full colour lithograph, including the facsimile of Walton's signature, date and title of the painting copied from the verso and reproduced on the front of the print. New  € 110

Wattiaux R. Le Roy CENT ANS DE PEINTURE DE MONTAGNE 1898-1998.   Societe des Peintres de Montagne.  1999 1st.  pp180.  cold. and b/w illus. pict. wrappers. New  € 40

Whymper E. GUIDE A ZERMATT ET AU CERVIN OU MATTERHORN.   Librairie A. Julien.  1912 1st.  pp243.  French edn. avec 76 illus. et cartes. orig. pict. illus wrappers (Finsteraarhorn by E.T. Compton.) Near Fine.  € 132

Yung E. ZERMATT ET LA VALLEE DE LA VIEGE.   F. Thevoz & Cie, Geneve. 1894 1st.  pp102. cent cinquante gravures et vignettes executees en phototypie par les procedes speciaux de la maison. cont. french half calf. Rare. Very Good.  € 275

Zschokke H. VUES CLASSIQUE DE LA SUISSE.   Carlsrouhe,  1838 1st. French   pp174 + 184 82 steel engraved plates of the Swiss Cantons by H. Winkles d'apres dessins de G. Ad. Muller. orig. green embossed cloth. Very Good.  € 1,815

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