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Rock-climbing guidebooks and mountaineering guide books - old and new mountaineering books for sale - BMC climbing guidebooks -
1 Miller D. and Soper N.J. 75 New Climbs in the Lake District 1964-1965. Fell & Rock. 1966 pp40 pamphlet with card cover. with pencilled initials of A.B. Hargreaves. IV £30
2 Carsten H.A. A Climbers' Guide to Helsby Crags. Wayfarers Club, Liverpool. 1957 rev. by Hugh Banner. insc. by G.W. Templeman. pp31+ orig. wrappers. IV £25
3 Unsworth W. A Climber's Guide to Pontesford Rocks. Wilding and Son Ltd. 1967 rpt. 7 illus. signed by the author. pp38 printed wrappers. IV £45
4 Carr H.R.C. A Climbers' Guide to Snowdon and the Beddgelert District. Burrup, Mathieson & Co. Ltd. issued by the Climbers Club. 1926 1st. 12 plates. 3 fold. maps. 9 diagrams. xxii + pp157 orig. cloth gilt. IV £85
5 Smith J. A Climbers' Guide to the Staffordshire Roaches and Hen Cloud Area. Bryan G. Stokes, Sheffield. 1968 illus. cover. 4 diagrams. vi + pp42 paperback with thick card cover. III £25
6 Byne E. A Climbing Guide to Brassington Rocks. Midland Association of Mountaineers. 1950 8 illus. map. pp36 orig . cloth covered in 'clearview'. III- £30
7 Harding P.R.J. and Moulam A.A.J. A Guide to Black Rocks and Cratcliffe Tor. Climbers Club. 1949 1st. 5 illus. 2 diagrams. x + pp30 + 4 p; pamphlet with card cover. IV £25
8 Lambe R.E. and Knox A.B. A Guide to Crag Cowarch and other Mid-Wales crags. The Mountain Club, Stafford. 1964 May. 2nd. edn. illus. plan. 2 photo-diagrams. line diagram. iv + pp84 pamphlet with card cover. III £40
9 Lambe R.E. and Knox A.B. A Guide to Crag Cowarch and other Mid-Wales crags. The Mountain Club, Stafford. 1966 Oct. 3rd. edn. illus. plan. 2 photo-diagrams. line diagram. iv + pp85 pamphlet with card cover. III £40
10 Pearson H. A Guide To Laddow. Carl K. Brunning. 1934 1st. photo illus. and diagram. pp36 printed wrappers. very rare. IV £65
11 Forsythe J. and Merrick R. (Ed.) A Guide to Mourne Rock Climbs. Privately. n.d. (1968) ii + pp78 pamphlet with pages gestetnered on one side & staples. III £40
12 Adamec V. A Guide to the High Tatras. Sport Publishing House. 1969 1st. 30 maps. 10 drawings. pp230 cold. pict. boards. IV £15
13 Panther T.S. A New Climbing Guide To Harrison's Rocks. The Author. 1968 2nd. 8 illus. route diagrams. pp52 printed wrappers. IV £30
14 Haighton N.E. A Rock Climber's Guide to Northumberland. Dalesman Publishing Co. Ltd. 1964 2nd. illus. 4 plans. 11 diagrams. pp68 orig. pict. covers. III £30
15 not known A Rock-Climber's Guide to Glendalough. Irish M.C. 1957 2 diagrams. pp40 orig. cloth card covers. III £12
16 Carr H.R.C. and Lister G.A. A Walker's Guide to Snowdon and the Beddgelert District. Listers (Printers) Ltd. 1949 panoramic sketches. vi + pp60 orig. cloth gilt. III £35
17 Sutton G. Artificial Aids in Mountaineering. The Mountaineering Association. 1962 1st. 8 figs. pp60. orig. pict. wrappers. IV £12
18 Collomb R.G. Atlas Mountains. Morocco. West Col. 1980 1st. illus. pp142 printed wrappers. V £12
Hundreds of Mountaineering and UK Rock Climbing Guidebooks for sale - UK Rock Climbing Guides - SOME NOW SOLD
Climbers’ Guide books to the Lake District Crags : Climbers’ Club Guides : Snowdonia : Gritstone Guidebooks : Yorkshire, North Wales, Fell and Rock, Harrison Rocks : Climbs on Limestone. Here are some of the most rare collectable rock-climbing guidebooks available
A Collectors Guide by Alan Moss £25 still available from BMC ??
The history of British climbing guidebooks is as long and as venerable as the history of climbing itself. The early pioneers of the sport, the tweed-clad Victorian cragsmen, were as concerned about recording their activities as they were about doing them and thus began the climbing guidebook. We now have over a century of the finest guidebooks in the world, a written heritage second to none.
To celebrate this heritage we now have the ultimate ‘guidebook of guidebooks’. British and Irish Climbing Guidebooks 1894 to 2011 lists over 1,000 guidebooks, from the simple recordings of the earliest pioneers to the latest photo and topo filled blockbusters. Front cover images and publication details for each title show the development of climbing guidebooks over the decades in a unique format. For anyone with an interest in how our sport has been recorded, from casual history lovers to serious collectors, this is an essential guide. The climbing guidebook of all climbing guidebooks!
Alpine and European Climbing Guidebooks 1863 - 2013
A Collector’s Guide companion volume now published at £22.50 with profits going to St. Gemma’s Hospice. Just published June 2014 Order your copy now from Green_woods_publishing@yahoo.co.uk
Somervell, T. Howard. [1890-1975]
St. Sunday's Crag, Fairfield. (from Dollywagon Pike?) 1963 oil on canvas. signed with monogram and date l.l. title in ink on verso. 30 x 35 cms.
1 Adamec V. A Guide to the High Tatras. Sport Publishing House. 1969 1st. pp230 30 maps. 10 drawings. cold. pict. boards. IV £15
934 Alexander H. The Cairngorms. S.M.C. 1928 1st. pp218 fold. panoramas. photo illus. diagrams. fold. map. orig. red cloth. III £45
935 Alexander Sir H. The Cairngorms. S.M.C. 1931 rpt. pp218 fold. panoramas. photo illus. diagrams. fold. map. orig. red cloth. dw IV £35
936 Alexander Sir H. The Cairngorms. S.M.C. 1950 3rd. pp298 fold. panoramas. photo illus. diagrams. e.p. map. orig. red cloth. insc. of Geoffrey Byrne-Sutton. III- £35
937 Alexander Sir H. The Cairngorms. S.M.C. 1968 4th. pp250 frontis. 31 illus. orig. red cloth. dw V- £15
22 Allsopp A. Kinder, Roches and Northern Areas. Climbs on Gritstone Vol. 3 Willmer Bros. & Co. Ltd. 1951 iv + pp154 11 illus. 2 maps. 16 diagrams. orig. cloth worn. Geoffrey Sutton's insc. copy. II £40
572 Anderson M. Karwendel. West Col. 1981 pp56 diagrams. pict. wrappers. IV £8
46 Andrews A.W. & Pyatt E.C. Cornwall. Climbers' Club. 1950 1st. pp164 18 illustrations. orig. cloth. inscribed by the Author. IV- £40
532 Annette B.M. Limestone Climbs on the Dorset Coast. Southampton University M.C. n.d. (1964) 3rd. pp52 frontis. photo. 6 diagrams. card covers. IV £20
218 Archer Thomson J.M. Climbing in the Ogwen District. Edward Arnold. 1910 1st. xx + pp124 frontis. 23 illus. 7 diagrams. orig. cloth gilt. with owners insc. H.W. Llewellyn Smith. IV £125
229 Archer Thomson J.M. and Andrews A.W. The Climbs on Lliwedd. Edward Arnold. Issued by the Climbers'' Club. 1909 1st. xv + pp99 6 sketches. 14 photographs. 8 diagrams. orig. cloth wallet. lacks f.e.p. IV- £75
231 Ashton S. Scrambles in Snowdonia. Cicerone Press. 1981 rpt. pp144 photos. maps. diagrams. plastic covers. V £10
16 Astley Cooper C.J. et al. Great Gable, Borrowdale, Buttermere. F.R.C.C. 1937 pp153 with illustrations by W. Heaton Cooper. orig. cloth. IV £14
12 Astley Cooper C.J. et al. Great Gable, Green Gable, Kirkfell, Yewbarrow, Buckbarrow. F.R.C.C. 1948 second series. pp129 with illustrations by W. Heaton Cooper. orig. cloth worn. insc. G.J. (Geoffrey) Sutton. II £30
22 Astley Cooper C.J. et al. Great Gable, Green Gable, Kirkfell, Yewbarrow, Buckbarrow. F.R.C.C. 1961 pp129 with illustrations by W. Heaton Cooper. orig. cloth. IV £12
857 Astley Cooper C.J. et al. Great Gable, Green Gable, Kirkfell, Yewbarrow, Buckbarrow. F.R.C.C. 1948 second series. pp129 with illustrations by W. Heaton Cooper. orig. cloth worn. II £8
916 Austin J.A. Great Langdale. F.R.C.C. 1967 present. pp238 with illustrations by W. Heaton Cooper. plastic covers. insc. J.A. Kenyon. IV £10
21 Ballard J. & Marshall E. Derwent Valley. Rock Climbs in the Peak Vol. 5 B.M.C. 1981 pp238 illus. and route diagrams. plastic covers. IV £12
401 Barford J.E.Q. Three Cliffs in Llanberis. Climbers' Club. 1944 rpt. pp24 2 photo diagrams. line diagram. pamphlet with cloth card cover. IV £18
97 Barker L. et al. Rock Climbs on the North York Moors. Cleveland Mountaineering Club. 1985 pp159 illus. route diagrams. plastic covers. IV £14
581 Battagel A. Pyrenees East. West Col. 1975 1st. pp144 illus. ex-lib. orig. cloth. III- £4
855 Beetham B. Borrowdale. F.R.C.C. 1960 second series. pp173 with illustrations by W. Heaton Cooper. orig. cloth. IV £14
567 Bennet D.J. Staunings Alps - Greenland. West Col. 1972 1st. pp120 9 plates. 5 maps. orig. cloth. V £18
83 Birkett B., & White J. Rock climbing in Northern England. Constable. 1990 1st. illus. with photos and diagrams. photo plastic covers. IV £10
122 Bower G.S. Doe Crags and Climbs Around Coniston. F.R.C.C. of the English Lake District. [1922] pp48 6 illus. 2 photo diagrams. red cloth cover. I. Doe Crag. IV £45
84 Brailsford J. Dolomites West. Alpine Club. 1970 new 1st. pp176 illus. III- £8
87 Brown S. In the Julian Alps. West Col. 1993 1st. pp131 illus. wrappers. st. II £5
86 Brown H. Rhum. Cicerone. 1972 pp64 illus. and diagrams. pict. wrappers. III £12
563 Brunning Carl (Ed.) Mountaineering Journal.Vol.1 No. 1 June 1932 with contribution by Menlove Edwards Published by the Editor. pp80 many early climbing photo. illus. orig. pict. wrappers. rare. other nos. available, please ask. III- £30
564 Brunning Carl (Ed.) Mountaineering Journal.Vol.1/2.3.5. 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/4. 6/1. Published by the Editor. many early climbing photo. illus. orig. pict. wrappers. rare. please ask. p.o.a.
426 Bull S.P. Black Cuillin Ridge Scramblers Guide. S.M.C. 1980 pp112 illus. and route diagrams. pict. wrappers. IV £12
366 Byne E. A Climbing Guide to Brassington Rocks. Midland Association of Mountaineers. 1950 pp36 8 illus. map. David Salt's copy June 1958. see Rock Climbs on the Roaches. orig. cloth covered in 'clearview'. III- £85
22 Byne E. The Bleaklow Area. Rock Climbs in the Peak Vol. 6 B.M.C. 1971 pp228 photo. illus. line drawings. maps. photo plastic covers. IV- £15
23 Byne E. The Chatsworth Gritstone Area. Rock Climbs in the Peak Vol. ? B.M.C. 1970 pp304 photo. illus. line drawings. maps. photo plastic covers. IV- £20
597 Byne E. The Sheffield Area. Climbs on Gritstone Vol. 2 Willmer Bros. & Co. Ltd. 1956 rev. pp171 frontis. 15 illus. 21 sketches. orig. cloth. worn. II £35
107 Byne E. The Sheffield Area. Climbs on Gritstone Vol. 2 Willmer Bros. & Co. Ltd. 1951 vi + pp172 15 illus. map. 19 diagrams. orig. cloth. from the library of J.E.B. Wright. IV £24
60 Byne E. (Ed.) The Sheffield-Froggatt Area. 'Rock Climbs in the Peak' Vol. 3 Cade & Co. 1965 pp216 frontis. 14 photographs and 23 line drawings. photo plastic covers. IV £15
61 Byne E. (Ed.) The Sheffield-Froggatt Area. 'Rock Climbs in the Peak' Vol. IV B.M.C. c1970 pp237 frontis. 14 photographs and 23 line drawings. photo plastic covers. IV- £15
100 Byne E. and White W.B. Further Developments in the Peak District. Climbs on Gritstone Vol. 4 Willmer Bros. & Haram Ltd. 1957 iv + pp206 16 illus. map. 20 diagrams. orig. cloth worn. insc. D.P. Warrington. II £95
43 Carr H.R.C. A Climbers' Guide to Snowdon and the Beddgelert District. Burrup, Mathieson & Co. Ltd. issued by the Climbers' Club. 1926 1st. xxii + pp157 12 plates. 3 fold. maps. 9 diagrams. orig. cloth gilt. insc. of L.W. Hanson. IV £85
342 Carr H.R.C. and Lister G.A. A Walker's Guide to Snowdon and the Beddgelert District. Listers (Printers) Ltd. 1949 vi + pp60 panoramic sketches. orig. cloth gilt. III £35
126 Churcher M. Italian Rock. Cicerone Press. 1988 1st. pp200 illus. plastic wrappers. V £8
41 Clegg W. et al. Great Langdale. F.R.C.C. 1958 second series. pp162 with illustrations by W. Heaton Cooper. orig. cloth. with owners signature of Geoffrey Sutton. V £35
140 Collomb R.G. Atlas Mountains. Morocco. West Col. 1980 1st. pp142 illus. printed wrappers. V £12
571 Collomb R.G. Chamonix - Mont Blanc. Constable. 1969 1st. proof pp234 many illus. orig. boards. IV £25
134 Collomb R. Graians West. West Col. 1967 1st. pp128 maps & diagrams. orig. boards. IV £12
141 Collomb R.G. Julian Alps. West Col. 1978 1st. pp136 illus. printed wrappers. V £10
142 Collomb R.G. Pennine Alps Central. A.C. 1987 rpt. pp373 many diagrams. orig. boards. IV £12
143 Collomb R.G. Pennine Alps West. A.C. 1979 1st. pp232 many diagrams. orig. boards. IV £12
136 Collomb R. Selected Climbs in the Bernese Alps. A.C. 1968 1st. pp223 photo diagrams. plastic wrappers. IV £12
570 Collomb R.G. Zermatt and District inc. Saas Fee. Constable. 1969 1st. proof pp242 many illus. orig. boards. IV £25
574 Collomb R.G. Zermatt and District inc. Saas Fee. West Col. 1984 pp143 many illus. printed wrappers. IV £12
144 Collomb R.G. & Crew P. Selected Climbs in the Mont Blanc Range Vol. I A.C. 1967 1st. pp241 diagrams by Brian Evans. photo plastic covers. IV £12
143 Collomb R.G. & Crew P. Selected Climbs in the Mont Blanc Range Vol. II A.C. 1967 1st. pp185 diagrams by Brian Evans. photo plastic covers. IV £12
355 Cox A.D.M. and Kretschmer H.E. Craig yr Ysfa. Climbers' Club. 1943 rpt. pp36 5 illus. line diagram. pamphlet with cloth card cover. IV £15
924 Cram A.G. Pillar Group F.R.C.C. 1968 present pp148 with illustrations by W. Heaton Cooper. plastic covers. insc. J.A. Kenyon. III £10
160 Cram G., Eilbeck C., Roper I. Rock climbing in the Lake District. Constable. 1975 1st. pp250 illus. with photos and diagrams. dw IV £14
576 Crew P. Bregaglia West. West Col. 1967 1st. pp86 maps & diagrams. orig. boards. IV £6
523 Crocket K. Glencoe and Glen Etive. Rock and Ice Climbs. S.M.T. 1980 pp264 photo illus. and maps. orig. pict. boards. III £10
647 Dance E.W. and Egglington G. The Quellyn Area. An Interim Guide. Manchester M.C. n.d. (1954 ?) pp42 3 diagrams. pamphlet with cloth card cover. IV- £18
578 Davies C. Via Ferrata Scrambles in the Dolomites. Cicerone Press. 1987 1st. pp176 illus. plastic wrappers. V £8
554 Devies L. La Chaine du Mont Blanc. I Mont Blanc-Trelatete. Arthaud. 1951 2nd. pp353 54 designs. orig. cloth. d/w. IV £25
174 Dinoia L. Classic Climbs in the Dolomites. Cicerone Press. 1982. pp176 many illus. maps. plastic wrappers. V £8
59 Drasdo H. Eastern Crags. F.R.C.C. 1959 pp192 with illustrations by W. Heaton Cooper. orig. cloth gilt. with owners inscription of Geoffrey Sutton. V £30
228 Drasdo H. Lliwedd. Climbers' Club. 1972 3rd. pp161 maps. diagrams. photo plastic covers. V £10
921 Drasdo H. & Soper N.J. Eastern Crags. F.R.C.C. 1969 pp236 with illustrations by W. Heaton Cooper. plastic covers. IV £10
48 Drummond E. Avon Gorge. A Guide to Rock Climbs. by the author. 1972 pp105 photo route diagrams. photo plastic covers. IV £15
194 Edwards R. Climbs on North Wales Limestone. Cordee. 1975 pp56 illus. route diagrams. printed limp cloth. III £20
66 Edwards J.M. Cwm Idwal. Climbers' Club. 1946 rpt. pp145 Vol. 1. second revised edition. route marked photographs by the author and diagrams by C.H. French. orig. cloth worn. insc. twice by Geoffrey Sutton (his copy). II £30
67 Edwards J.M. Cwm Idwal. Climbers' Club. 1940 rpt. pp145 Vol. 1. second revised edition. route marked photographs by the author and diagrams by C.H. French. orig. cloth. IV- £14
65 Edwards J.M. Cwm Idwal. Climbers' Club. 1949 rpt. pp145 Vol. 1. second revised edition. route marked photographs by the author and diagrams by C.H. French. orig. cloth, marked. II £12
954 Edwards J.M. Cwm Idwal. Climbers' Club. 1955 rpt. pp145 Vol. 1. second revised edition. route marked photographs by the author and diagrams by C.H. French. orig. cloth, sl. marked. III £12
74 Edwards J.M. & Noyce C.W.F. Tryfan Group. Climbers' Club. 1937 new rev. pp122 Vol. II. photographs by the author and diagrams by C.H. French. orig. cloth with owners inscription Iain Ogilvie. IV £18
73 Edwards J.M. & Noyce C.W.F. Tryfan Group. Climbers' Club. 1939 rpt. pp124 Vol. II. photographs by the author and diagrams by C.H. French. orig. cloth. III £14
70 Edwards J.M. & Noyce C.W.F. Tryfan. Climbers' Club. 1949 rpt. pp124 Vol. II. photographs by the author and diagrams by C.H. French. orig. cloth, sl. marked. insc. by Geoffrey Byrne-Sutton. III- £30
119 Edwards J.M. & Noyce C.W.F. Tryfan. Climbers' Club. 1953 rpt. pp124 photos. and diagrams. orig. cloth. IV £9
400 Edwards J.M. and Barford J.E.Q. Clogwyn du'r Arddu. Climbers' Club. 1942 rpt. pp24 illus. photo diagram. pamphlet with cloth card cover. III £15
232 Evans R.B. Scrambles in the Lake District. Cicerone Press. 1983 rpt. pp192 photos. maps. diagrams. plastic covers. V £10
922 Fearnehough P.L. Great Gable, Wasdale and Eskdale. F.R.C.C. 1969 pp151 with illustrations by W. Heaton Cooper. plastic covers. insc. J.A. Kenyon III £12
563 Flaig W. Sivretta. Rother, Munchen 1966 pp600 illus. photo plastic covers. IV £12
212 Gartrell G. Rock Climbs Isle of Man. Cicerone. 1973? pp50 illus. diagrams. wrappers. IV £10
216 Graham J.D. Rock Climbing in Malta. n.d. pp103 cold. pict. boards. IV £15
373 Gribbon P.W.F. Mourne Rock Climbs. N.I. Tourist Board and Belfast Section, Irish M.C. n.d. (1957) pp48 14 figs. pamphlet with cloth card cover. IV £30
128 Gross H.S and Thomson A.R. Climbs on Great Gable and Rock Climbing in Borrowdale. F.R.C.C. of the English Lake District. [1925] pp63 17 illus. photo diagram. 2 line diagrams. red cloth card cover st. III- £75
2 Gunneng A. and Schlytter B. Climbs in the Horungtinder Norway. Oslo. 1933 1st. pp24 cold. fold. map by Howard Priestman. 15 illus. printed wrappers. rare. IV £40
591 Haighton N.E. A Rock Climber's Guide to Northumberland. Dalesman Publishing Co. Ltd. 1964 2nd. pp68 illus. 4 plans. 11 diagrams. orig. pict. covers. III £30
605 Harding P.R.J. Llanberis Pass. Climbers' Club. 1951 1st. pp215 8 illus. map. orig. cloth insc. by Iain Ogilvie. III £35
584 Harding P.R.J. and Moulam A.A.J. A Guide to Black Rocks and Cratcliffe Tor. Climbers' Club. 1949 1st. x + pp30 + 4 p; 5 illus. 2 diagrams. pamphlet with card cover. III- £25
74 Hargreaves A.T. et. al. Dow Crag and Other Climbs. F.R.C.C. 1957 second series. pp135 with illustrations by W. Heaton Cooper. orig. cloth. with bookplate and signed by Peter Crew. III- £40
70 Hargreaves A.T. et. al. Dow Crag, Great Langdale and Outlying Crags. F.R.C.C. 1938 pp176 with illustrations by W. Heaton Cooper. orig. cloth. III £12
237 Hargreaves A.T. Scafell Group. F.R.C.C. 1936 pp113 with illustrations by W. Heaton Cooper. orig. cloth. III £12
496 Haskett Smith W.P. & H.C. Hart. Climbing in the British Isles - Ireland. Longmans, Green, and Co. new rpt. pp65 with illus. by Ellis Carr. printed limp cloth. V £10
139 Hatton P. The Three Cliffs. Climbers' Club. 1974 pp140 maps. diagrams. plastic covers. V £10
556 Hiebeler T. Civetta, Monfalconi... Rother, Munchen 1964 pp224 illus. photo plastic covers. IV £6
940 Hodge E.W. The Islands of Scotland (excluding Skye). S.M.C. 1952 2nd. pp203 44 photos. 11 line drawings. orig. red cloth gilt. insc. by Geoffrey Sutton. IV £30
126 Holland C.F. Climbs on the Scawfell Group. F.R.C.C. of the English Lake District. [1924] pp66 10 illus. 4 photo diagrams. 3 line diagrams. pamphlet with red cloth card cover. insc. by G.S. Sansom. IV £75
581 Howard T. Walks & Climbs in Romsdal Norway. Cicerone. 1970 1st. pp174 III £15
432 Humble, B.H. and Nimlin J.B. Rock Climbs at Arrochar. S.M.C. 1954 1st. pp64 11 diagrams. orig. cloth insc. Geoffrey Byrne Sutton. III £20
244 James R. Rock climbing in Wales. Constable. 1970 pp241 44 illus. pict. boards. rubbed. III- £10
438 Johnstone J.M. Rock Climbs in Arran. S.M.C. 1958 1st. pp84 map and 9 diagrams. orig. cloth. insc. Geoffrey Sutton. IV £25
951 Johnstone G. Scott The Western Highlands. S.M.C. 1973 new. 1st. pp144 55 illus. orig. red cloth gilt. ex-lib. dw III- £10
36 Jones T. & Neil J. Snowdon South. Climbers'' Club. 1966 2nd. pp150 diagrams. map. plastic photo covers. V £10
858 Kelly H.M. Pillar Rock and Neighbourhood. F.R.C.C. 1935 pp121 cold. frontis. and diagrams by W. Heaton Cooper. orig. cloth. IV £14
123 Kelly H.M. Pillar Rock and Neighbouring Climbs. F.R.C.C. of the English Lake District. [1923] pp68 10 illus. 5 photo diagrams. line diagram. pamphlet with red cloth card cover. insc. by G.S. Sansom. IV £75
86 Kelly H.M. and Peascod W. Pillar Rock and Neighbourhood. F.R.C.C. 1952 second series. pp130 with illustrations by W. Heaton Cooper. orig. cloth. insc. by Peter Crew. V £30
122 Kirkus C.F. Glyder Fach Group. Climbers' Club. 1945 rpt. pp114 Vol. III. 5 photographs, map and 6 diagrams by C.H. French. orig. cloth worn. insc. by Geoffrey Sutton. II £25
123 Kirkus C.F. Glyder Fach Group. Climbers' Club. 1937 new and rev. ed. pp113 Vol. III. 5 photographs, map and 6 diagrams by C.H. French. orig. cloth. IV £15
955 Kirkus C.F. Glyder Fach Group. Climbers' Club. 1949 rpt. pp114 Vol. III. 5 photographs, map and 6 diagrams by C.H. French. orig. cloth. IV £15
577 Koniger F. MontBlanc Gruppe. Rother, Munchen 1963 pp264 illus. illus. wrappers. IV £12
271 Kurz M. Guide de la Chaine du Mont Blanc. Payot & Cie. 1927 3rd. pp408 50 illus. orig. cloth. III £18
268 Kurz M. Guide de la Chaine du Mont Blanc. Payot & Cie. 1935 4th. pp501 56 illus. orig. cloth. III £15
153 Lambe R.E. and Knox A.B. A Guide to Crag Cowarch and other Mid-Wales crags. The Mountain Club, Stafford. 1964 May. edn. 2nd. iv + pp84 illus. plan. 2 photo-diagrams. line diagram. orig. printed card, stencilled. pages. rare. III £40
565 Lennon P. Scandinavian Mountains. West Col. 1987 1st. pp197 illus. route diagrams. printed wrappers. III £15
225 Leppert Z. Ogwen. Climbers' Club. 1982 2nd. pp206 maps. diagrams. plastic covers. V £10
944 Ling W.N. The Northern Highlands. S.M.C. 1932 1st. pp87 40 illus. 3 maps. 1 photogravure. orig. red cloth gilt. IV- £24
943 Ling W.N., and Corbett J.R. The Northern Highlands. S.M.C. 1936 2nd. rev. pp106 46 illus. 2 maps. 1 photogravure. orig. red cloth gilt. dw V- £26
214 Littlejohn P. South-West Climbs. Diadem. 1979 pp304 photo route diagrams. e.p. maps. hard covers in d/w. IV £15
447 Lovat L.S. Climbers Guide to Glencoe and Ardgour. 1 vol. S.M.C. 1959 2nd. pp99 maps and diagrams. IV £12
448 Lovat L.S. Climbers Guide to Glencoe and Ardgour. 2 vols. S.M.C. 1959 & 1965 2nd. pp99 & 160 30 maps and diagrams. insc. Iain H. Ogilvie. IV £25
450 MacKenzie W.M. Climbing Guide to the Cuillin of Skye. S.M.C. 1958 pp160 18 diagrams. insc. Geoffrey Sutton. III- £25
925 Macphee G.G. Ben Nevis. S.M.C. 1936 rev. pp101 frontis. 9 fold. panoramas. 19 illus. 5 line drawings. map. orig. red cloth gilt. insc. by Geoffrey Sutton. III £40
461 Macphee G.G. Climber's Guide to Ben Nevis. S.M.C. 1954 1st. pp156 14 diagrams. insc. Iain H. Ogilvie. IV £15
939 MacRobert H. The Central Highlands. S.M.C. 1934 1st. pp158 2 photogravures. 49 photos. 14 line diagrams. 2 maps. orig. red cloth gilt. dw IV £35
938 MacRobert H. The Central Highlands. S.M.C. 1952 2nd. pp145 49 photos. 15 line diagrams. sketch map. orig. red cloth gilt. insc. by Geoffrey Sutton. IV £40
561 Malcher F. Ferwall Gruppe. Rother, Munchen 1956 pp208 illus. photo plastic covers. IV £6
226 Malcher G. Llanberis Pass. Climbers' Club. 1978 pp160 maps. diagrams. plastic covers. V £10
350 Malcher F. Tramping In Tyrol. LVA Tirol. 1951 1st. pp128 fold. map. V £14
540 March B. Modern Snow & Ice Techniques. Cicerone Press. 1976 3rd. pp80 illus. illus. wrappers. III £5
914 Martindale J.R. Dow Crag Area. F.R.C.C. 1976 pp150 illustrated by W. Heaton Cooper. plastic covers. III £10
54 Millburn G. & Evans A. Gogarth 1978 Supplement. C.C. 1978 pp32 pamphlet with card cover. III £10
915 Miller D. Dow Crag Area. F.R.C.C. 1968 present pp133 illustrated by W. Heaton Cooper. plastic covers. insc. J.A. Kenyon. IV £10
363 Miller D. and Soper N.J. 75 New Climbs in the Lake District 1964-1965. Fell & Rock. 1966 pp40 pamphlet with card cover. with pencilled initials of A.B. Hargreaves. IV £30
465 Mitchell M.A. (Ed.) Climbs on Yorkshire Limestone. Dalesman Publishing Co. Ltd., Clapham. 1963 pp40 4 illus. 2 maps. 11 diagrams. pamphlet with cover. III £25
544 Mitchell W.R. The Three Peaks. Dalesman. 1962 1st. pp32 illus. pict. wrappers. III £6
25 Moulam A.J.J. Cwm Idwal. Climbers' Club. 1964 rev. pp150 diagrams. map. photo plastic covers. IV £12
50 Moulam A.J.J. Tryfan and Glyder Fach. Climbers' Club. 1964 rev. pp166 diagrams. map. photo plastic covers. IV £8
412 Moulton R.D. Devon Rock Climbs. Royal Navy and Royal Marines Mountaineering Club. 1977 pp199 2 cover illus. maps and diagrams. paperback with thick card cover. III £18
276 Moulton S. How To Climb Triglav. Planinska. 1979 1st. pp64 illus. cold. pict. wrappers. V £7
373 Moulton R. Lundy Rock Climbs. Royal Navy and Royal Marines Mountaineering Club. 1974 2nd. pp128 2 cover illus. maps and diagrams. paperback with thick card cover. III £18
545 Moulton R.D. Rock Climbing in Devonshire. The Royal Navy M.C. 1966 2nd. pp114 2 cover illus. 3 maps and plans. paperback with thick card cover. III £25
932 Munro Sir H. T. Munro's Tables. S.M.C. 1953 pp80 orig. green cloth gilt. dw V £25
933 Munro Sir H. T. Munro's Tables. S.M.C. 1953 pp80 orig. green cloth gilt. dw V £25
475 Murray W.H. Rock Climbs Glencoe and Ardgour. S.M.C. 1949 1st. pp164 22 maps and diagrams. orig. cloth worn & bumped. insc. Geoffrey Sutton. II £25
941 Naismith W.W. The Islands of Scotland (excluding Skye). S.M.C. 1934 1st. pp135 42 photos. 9 maps. 1 photogravure. 9 outline drawings. 3 panoramas. orig. red cloth gilt. st. III- £25
942 Naismith W.W. & Hodge E.W. The Northern Highlands. S.M.C. 1953 3rd. pp162 34 illus. 12 line diagrams. map. orig. red cloth gilt. dw IV £30
585 Neil J. Cwm Silyn and Tremadoc. Climbers' Club. 1955 rpt. pp40 2 illus. 2 photo diagrams. line diagram. pamphlet with cloth card cover. IV £15
357 Neill J. Selected Climbs in the Pennine Alps. A.C. 1962 1st. pp246 53 diagrams. photo plastic covers. IV £12
356 Neill J. Selected Climbs in the Pennine Alps. vol II A.C. 1968 1st. pp150 photo diagrams. photo plastic covers. IV £12
341 Nixon J. Limestone Climbs in South West England. Limestone Climbing Group. 1964 2nd. viii + pp84 3 illus. inc. 2 cover. 2 photo-diagrams. paperback with card cover. IV £18
334 not known A Rock-Climber's Guide to Glendalough. Irish M.C. 1957 pp40 2 diagrams. orig. cloth card covers. III £12
337 not known Rock-Climber's Guide to Donegal. Irish M.C. 1962 pp56 map. 3 diagrams. orig. cloth card covers. IV £12
164 Noyce C.W.F. & Edwards J.M. Lliwedd Group. Climbers' Club. 1961 rpt. pp174 Vol. IV. map, photographs diagrams. orig. cloth. V £12
166 Noyce C.W.F. & Edwards J.M. Lliwedd. Climbers' Club. 1946 rpt. pp174 Vol. IV. map, photographs diagrams. orig. cloth worn. owners inscription of Geoffrey Sutton. II £30
923 Nunn P. and Woolcock O. Borrowdale. F.R.C.C. of the English Lake District. 1968 pp257 illustrated by W. Heaton Cooper. plastic covers. insc. J.A. Kenyon. III £12
917 Oliver G. and Griffin L.J. Scafell Group. F.R.C.C. 1967 present pp172 with illustrations by W. Heaton Cooper. plastic covers. insc. J.A. Kenyon. III £12
411 Parker H.C Laddow Area. Climbs on Gritstone Vol. I Willmer Bros. & Co. Ltd. 1948 pp68 8 photos. and 7 sketches by C.N. Brayshaw. Geoffrey Sutton's insc. copy. cloth worn. II £35
913 Parker H.C Laddow Area. Climbs on Gritstone Vol. I Willmer Bros. & Co. Ltd. 1956 pp68 8 photos. and 7 sketches by C.N. Brayshaw. orig. cloth. III £35
534 Parker W. & V. Short Walks in the Peak Park. Derbyshire Countryside Ltd. 1981 pp64 illus. pict. wrappers. III £4
947 Parker J.A. The Western Highlands. S.M.C. 1947 3rd. pp136 30 illus. e.p. map. orig. red cloth gilt. insc. by Geffrey Sutton. III £40
948 Parker J.A. The Western Highlands. S.M.C. 1932 2nd. pp133 34 illus. cold. map. orig. red cloth gilt. dw III £30
949 Parker J.A. The Western Highlands. S.M.C. 1931 1st. pp133 34 illus. map. orig. red cloth gilt. insc. by Iain H. Ogilvie. III £26
950 Parker J.A. The Western Highlands. S.M.C. 1964 4th. pp156 31 illus. map. orig. red cloth gilt. dw IV £18
407 Parker J. Walking in Mallorca. Cicerone Press. 1991 2nd. pp256 illus. plastic wrappers. V £8
174 Peascod W. and Rushworth G. Buttermere and Newlands Area. F.R.C.C. 1949 pp128 with illustrations by W. Heaton Cooper. orig. cloth insc. Geoffrey Sutton. IV £35
385 Perrin J. Interim Climbers Guide to Wintours Leap. B.M.C. 1971 pp32 printed wrappers. III £30
216 Porter H.E.L. Climbing in the Ogwen District. Edward Arnold & Co. 1921 pp162 pp 127 - lacks original wrappers. The rare appendix by H.E.L. Porter. II £40
286 Pyatt E.C. Sandstone Climbs in South-East England. London Section Junior Mountaineering Club of Scotland. 1947 pp48 illus. route diagrams. maps. orig. pict. covers. rare. III £75
44 Pyatt E.C. South-East England. Climbers' Club. 1956 pp100 11 plates. 12 figs. card covers. owners inscription of Geoffrey Sutton. III- £35
45 Pyatt E.C. South-East England. Climbers' Club. 1960 rpt. pp100 11 plates. 12 figs. card covers. owners inscription of Iain Ogilvie. IV £25
176 Pyatt E.C. South-East England. Climbers' Club. 1963 rev. pp112 12 route diagrams. map. photo plastic covers. IV £12
566 Reid I.C. Guide Book to Mount Kenya and Kilimanjaro. Mountain Club of Kenya. 1963 2nd. pp192 8 plates. 7 maps & diagrams. orig. cloth. III £20
428 Reynolds K. Walks & Climbs in the Pyrenees. Cicerone Press. 1978 1st. pp128 illus. pict. wrappers. V £7
543 Richardson et al. S. Ben Nevis Rock and Ice Climbs. S.M.C. 1994 1st. pp339 illus. map. diagrams. pict. wrappers. IV £12
440 Roberts E. Zillertal Alps. West Col. 1980 1st. pp94 illus. orig. wrappers. V £10
926 Robertson A.E. General Guide-Book. S.M.C. 1933 rev. pp168 frontis.17 illus. map. orig. red cloth gilt. IV £25
649 Rogers N. (ed.) New Climbs 1967. Climbers' Club. 1967 1st. pp130 illus. diagrams. orig. wrappers. From library of George Bridge with notes IV £10
957 Rogers N. (ed.) New Climbs 1969. Climbers' Club. 1969 1st. pp118 illus. diagrams. orig. wrappers. IV £10
956 Rogers N. (ed.) New Climbs including Guides to Cwm Silyn. Climbers' Club. 1966 1st. pp74 illus. orig. wrappers. III £12
32 Roscoe D.T. Llanberis North. Climbers' Club. 1964 rpt. pp126 photo diagrams. map. photo plastic covers. V £8
952 Rowland E.G. Hill Walking in Snowdonia. Open Air Press. 1951 1st. pp83 14 plates by W.A. Poucher. photo. wrappers. III £10
953 Rowland E.G. The Ascent of Snowdon. Cidron Press, Tremadoc. 1967 3rd. pp24. illus. map. illus. wrappers. III £9
465 Salmon T. The Mountains of Greece. Cicerone Press. 1986 1st. pp176 illus. plastic covers. V £8
28 Salt D. The Staffordshire Gritstone Area. Rock Climbs in the Peak Vol. 9 B.M.C. 1973 pp232 photo. illus. line drawings. maps. plastic covers. IV £15
187 Sharp A. Clogwyn d'ur Arddu. Climbers' Club. 1976 3rd. pp99 maps. diagrams. photo plastic covers. V £10
227 Sharp A. Gogarth. Climbers' Club. 1977 1st. pp137 maps. diagrams. photo plastic covers. V £10
497 Simpson J.W. Climbers' Guide to the Cuillin of Skye. 2 vols. S.M.C. 1969 3rd. pp159 & 123 23 illus. insc. Iain H. Ogilvie. IV £20
480 Smith K. The Atlas Mountains. Cicerone Press. 1989 1st. pp128 illus. plastic wrappers. V £10
920 Soper N.J.and Allinson N. Buttermere and Newlands Area. F.R.C.C. 1970 pp151 frontis by W. Heaton Cooper. diagrams. e.p. maps. plastic covers. compliment slip of guide book editor. III £12
500 Stead A.C. & Marshall J.R. Lochaber and Badenboch. S.M.C. 1981 pp211 illus. and route diagrams. plastic covers. IV £12
930 Steeple E.W., Barlow G. Bell J.H.B. Island of Skye. S.M.C. 1954 3rd. pp168 frontis. 34 illus. 23 line diagrams. e.p. map. orig. red cloth gilt. torn dw III- £24
927 Steeple E.W., Barlow G., MacRobert H. Island of Skye. S.M.C. 1923 1st. pp126 frontis. 37 illus. 21 line diagrams. fold. map of The Black Cuillin. orig. red cloth gilt. ex M.A.M. pres. by E.W. Steeple. II £40
931 Steeple E.W., Barlow G., MacRobert H. Island of Skye. S.M.C. 1931 rpt. pp126 frontis. 37 illus. 21 line diagrams. fold. map of The Black Cuillin. orig. red cloth gilt. III £24
928 Steeple E.W., Barlow G., MacRobert H., Bell J.H.B. Island of Skye. S.M.C. 1948 rev. 2nd. pp155 frontis. 33 illus. 21 line diagrams. e.p. map of The Black Cuillin. orig. red cloth gilt. insc. by G.J. Sutton. IV £35
929 Steeple E.W., Barlow G., MacRobert H., Bell J.H.B. Island of Skye. S.M.C. 1935 rpt. pp144 frontis. 37 illus. 21 line diagrams. fold. map of The Black Cuillin. orig. red cloth gilt. dw IV £30
958 Steeple E.W., Barlow G., MacRobert H., Bell J.H.B. Island of Skye. S.M.C. 1948 rev. 2nd. pp155 frontis. 33 illus. 21 line diagrams. e.p. map of The Black Cuillin. orig. red cloth gilt. insc. by Iain H. Ogilvie. III £24
945 Strang T. The Northern Highlands. S.M.C. 1970 new. 1st. pp222 41 illus. 13 line diagrams. orig. red cloth gilt. dw V £15
523 Sumner J. Dolgellau Area. Cader Idris and the Rhinog Range. West Col. 1975 1st. pp139 diagrams. map. orig. boards. III £10
229 Sumner J. Mid-Wales. Climbers' Club. 1988 1st. pp231 maps. diagrams. photo plastic covers. IV £10
539 Sutton G. Artificial Aids in Mountaineering. The Mountaineering Association. 1962 1st. pp60 8 figs. orig. pict. wrappers. IV £12
517 Talbot J.O. Central Switzerland. West Col. 1969 1st. pp181 illus. printed wrappers. IV £9
574 Talbot J. Gower Penninsula Climbers Guide West Col. 1970 1st. pp160 photo diagrams. orig. red covers. III £10
520 Tallantire P. Felix Austria" I. Venediger Region. the Author. 1964 1st. pp140 illus. photo pict. printed wrappers. IV £15
582 Tallantire P. Felix Austria" II. Zillertal Alps. the Author. 1971 2nd. without the illus. photo pict. printed wrappers. IV sold
522 Tallantire P. Felix Austria" III. Niederen and Hohen Tauern. the Author. 1968 1st. pp250 illus. photo pict. printed wrappers. IV £15
523 Tallantire P. Felix Austria" IV. Pitztal - East and West. the Author. 1966 1st. illus. photo pict. printed wrappers. IV sold
541 Tarbuck K. Nylon Rope & Climbing Safety. British Ropes Ltd. 1961 rpt. pp28. 10 figs. cold. photo covers. III £12
542 Unsworth W. A Climber's Guide to Pontesford Rocks. Wilding and Son Ltd. 1967 rpt. pp38 7 photo illus. signed by the author. printed wrappers. IV £45
543 Vickers K. Rock Climbs in Leicestershire. Leicester Ass. of Mountaineers. pp48 photos. maps. diagrams. printed wrappers. IV £25
533 Walker R. Walks & Climbs Picos de Europa. Cicerone Press. 1989 1st. pp215 illus. plastic wrappers. V £8
235 Wall C.W. Mountaineering in Ireland. F.M.C.I. 1976 rpt. pp112 map. printed wrappers. IV £10
518 Wallace W.M.M. Climbers Guide to Arran. S.M.C. 1970 pp160 15 illus. map. IV £10
535 Walton R.D Guide to 200 Walks & Climbs. Dumfires and Galloway. 5th. pp118 route maps & illus. pict. wrappers. III £5
560 Wels H. Brenta Gruppe. Rother, Munchen 1963 1st. pp164 illus. photo plastic covers. IV £6
39 White (ed.) R.C. Dorset. Climbers' Club. 1969 1st. pp134 diagrams. map. photo plastic covers. IV £10
29 Whittaker B. Chew Valley. Rock Climbs in the Peak Vol. 2 B.M.C. 1976 pp154 illus. and route diagrams. plastic covers. IV £12
946 Wilson J.D.B. The Southern Highlands. S.M.C. 1949 1st. pp204 with 44 illus. and map. orig. red cloth gilt. insc. by Geoffrey Sutton. III- £30
204 Wilson J. & Hope D.E. Wye Valley. Rock Climbs in the South West. Cordee. 1977 pp128 photo route diagrams. plastic covers. IV £15
539 Wrangham E.A. Selected Climbs in the Range of Mont Blanc. Allen & Unwin. 1957 1st. pp224 63 diagrams. printed boards. dw IV £20
535 Wrangham E.A. & Brailsford J. Selected Climbs in the Dauphine and Vercors. A.C. 1967 1st. pp176 47 diagrams. plastic wrappers. III- £8
37 Yates M. & Perrin J. Cwm Silyn and Cwellyn. Climbers' Club. 1971 1st. pp173 diagrams. map. photo plastic covers. V £12
589 Young B. New West. F.R.C.C. 1985 pp56 1 route diagram. printed wrappers. III £9
311 Young G.W. THE ROOF-CLIMBER'S GUIDE TO TRINITY. W.P. Spalding, Cambridge. 1930 new edition. pp48. 4 diagrams. orig. printed wrappers. appearently unread. Fine- £245
312 Young, Geoffrey Sutton and Wilf Noyce. G. SNOWDON BIOGRAPHY. Edited by Wilfred Noyce. J.M. Dent. 1957 1st. pp194. 16pp of photographs. e.p. map. Near Fine- in dw £35
This climber is on Kern Knotts Crack, Great Gable. Does anyone recognise him?
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