Mountaineering books written and illustrated by Edward Whymper

A list of mountaineering books written and illustrated by Edward Whymper


A FAMOUS MOUNTAINEER IN THE CANADIAN ROCKIES. (Edward Whymper). Canadian Pacific Railway Co. 1902 1st. pp24. illus. orig. cold. pict. wrappers. scarce. Fine


CHAMONIX AND THE RANGE OF MONT BLANC. A Guide to. John Murray. 1896 1st. rare edition. pp xiv + 192 + 42. 65 illustrations, plans and maps [1 fold. of Mont Blanc] with advertisements at the back. unusual with large margins and uncut [one unopened] pages. Probably the publishers dummy copy. unusually with uncut pages, wider margins, finely bound, lacking original wrappers, in tan half calf, with raised Bands. ex-lib r.s.m. on title page verso. Near Fine-

CHAMONIX AND THE RANGE OF MONT BLANC. A Guide to. John Murray. 1897 2nd. pp xiv + 205 + 44. 65 illustrations, plans and map of the Chain of Mont Blanc. with advertisements. finely bound, with original front printed pict. wrapper, in tan half calf, with raised Bands. ex-lib r.s.m. on verso of title page. Near Fine-

CHAMONIX AND THE RANGE OF MONT BLANC. A Guide to. John Murray. 1898 3rd. pp189. 65 illustrations, plans and maps. with advertisements. orig. wrapper, lacks rear & some advs. Very Good-

CHAMONIX AND THE RANGE OF MONT BLANC. A Guide to. John Murray. 1900 5th. pp3-24, xiv + 206, 25-44. 64 illustrations, plans and map of the Chain of Mont Blanc. with advertisements. fine tan half calf, but lacks orig. printed fr. cover Near Fine-

CHAMONIX AND THE RANGE OF MONT BLANC. A Guide to. John Murray. 1901 6th. pp xiv + 206 +36. 64 illustrations, plans and maps [1 fold. of Mont Blanc] with advertisements. orig. printed pict. illus. (The Dru.) wrappers. spine mostly intact, but a few chips. Very Good

CHAMONIX AND THE RANGE OF MONT BLANC. A Guide to. John Murray. 1903 8th. 20 + xiv + pp206 + 22. 64 illustrations, plans and map of the Chain of Mont Blanc. with advertisements. finely bound in half blue calf, marbled boards, raised Bands gilt. Near Fine

CHAMONIX AND THE RANGE OF MONT BLANC. A Guide to. John Murray. 1904 9th. 20 + xiv + pp206 + 24. 64 illustrations, plans and map of the Chain of Mont Blanc. with advertisements. original front printed wrapper worn and grubby rebound to new, plain sp. and rear wrapper. Very Good-

CHAMONIX AND THE RANGE OF MONT BLANC. A Guide to. John Murray. 1905 10th. 20 + xiv + pp206 + 24. 63 illustrations, plans and map of the Chain of Mont Blanc. with advertisements. orig. pict. illus. (The Dru.) wrappers. Near Fine

CHAMONIX AND THE RANGE OF MONT BLANC. A Guide to. John Murray. 1907 12th. pp206 + 48. 63 illustrations, plans and map of the Chain of Mont Blanc. with advertisements. orig. pict. wrappers. Very Good

CHAMONIX AND THE RANGE OF MONT BLANC. A Guide to. John Murray. 1909 14th. pp206. 63 illustrations, plans and map of the Chain of Mont Blanc. with advertisements. orig. pict. wrappers. Very Good

CHAMONIX AND THE RANGE OF MONT BLANC. A Guide to. John Murray. 1910 15th. 20 + xiv + pp206 + 22. 63 illustrations, plans and map of the Chain of Mont Blanc. with advertisements. finely bound in half red calf, marbled boards, raised Bands gilt. Near Fine

CHAMONIX AND THE RANGE OF MONT BLANC. A Guide to. John Murray. 1911 16th. pp206. 63 illustrations, plans and maps (1 fold. of chain of Mont Blanc). with adverts. orig. printed pict. illus. wrappers (The Dru). Near Fine-

EPISODES FROM THE ASCENT OF THE MATTERHORN.  George C. Harrap. 1928 1st. pp192. illustrated from the Author's Drawings. Near Fine-

EXTRACTS FROM THE JOURNAL OF.  Printed for the Author. 1904 1st.  pp4.  A folding printed sheet with printed extracts at Zermatt for Sept. 1904 on 2 pages, with the date Dec. 8, 1904 handwritten by Edward Whymper. A very rare item.

GUIDE A ZERMATT ET AU CERVIN OU MATTERHORN.  Librairie A. Julien. 1912 1st. pp243. French edn. avec 76 illus. et cartes. orig. pict. illus wrappers (Finsteraarhorn by E.T. Compton.) Near Fine

JACKSON AND FRANZ JOSEF LAND.  Leisure Hour. 1896  pp8. portrait and map. extract bound in marbled boards. Fine

MOUNTAINEERING IN THE CANADIAN ROCKIES.  Canadian Pacific Railway Co. 1902 Apr. 1st. pp12. illus. scarce fold. pamphlet. Fine

ON MOUNTAINEERS AND MOUNTAINEERING.  Leisure Hour. 1896  pp9. 14 engraved illus. extract bound in marbled boards. Fine

ON THE TOP OF BEN NEVIS.  1894  pp10. illus. article now bound in card covers. Very Good

Original copyright poem written by Whymper.     

SCRAMBLES AMONGST THE ALPS IN THE YEARS 1860-69. with DOWN THE RHINE by Lady Blanche Murphy. J.B. Lippincott & Co. Philadelphia. c1880 U.S. edition.  pp164 + 75. 16 full page wood engravings. 83 text. The frontis. is 'The Club-Room of Zermatt in 1864. original olive cloth pict. dec., a liitle rubbed, a.e.g. Very Good-

SCRAMBLES AMONGST THE ALPS IN THE YEARS 1860-69.  J.B. Lippincott & Co. Philadelphia. 1872 1st. U.S. edition.  pp164. 16 full page wood engravings, tissue guarded. 83 illus. in the text. (The frontispiece in this very rare U.S. 1st. edition is 'The Club-Room in Zermatt in 1864). original brown gilt. decorative and blind stamped cloth. (only the 1873 ed. is in Neate). Very Good

SCRAMBLES AMONGST THE ALPS IN THE YEARS 1860-69.  John Murray. 1871 1st. Authors Limited edition.  pp432. 21 full page engravings (printed by the author). 90 text. 5 fold. maps. new f.e.p.'s orig. cloth bright. RARE one of 20 copies with plates and leaves picked and SIGNED presentation copy to William Longman Near Fine

SCRAMBLES AMONGST THE ALPS IN THE YEARS 1860-69.  John Murray. 1871 1st. edition of which only 1245 copies were printed. pp432. 21 full page engravings (these printed by the author). 90 text engravings. 5 fold. maps. recased in original green cloth gilt. worn and faded. The rare first edition. Very Good-

SCRAMBLES AMONGST THE ALPS IN THE YEARS 1860-69.  John Murray. 1871 'fourth thousand in year of first publication'. pp432. 23 full page engravings. 92 text. 5 fold. maps. in original green cloth, gilt dec. and bevelled boards. Near Fine-

SCRAMBLES AMONGST THE ALPS IN THE YEARS 1860-69.  John Murray. 1871 2nd. edition pp432. 23 full page engravings. 92 text. 5 fold. maps. The body of the work is printed by R.Clark, Edinburgh; the separate Plates have been printed by the AUTHOR. rebound in green cloth gilt with sp. cloth laid on f.f.e.p. Very Good-

SCRAMBLES AMONGST THE ALPS IN THE YEARS 1860-69.  John Murray. 1871 'fifth thousand'. pp432. 23 full page engravings. 92 text. 5 maps. in original green cloth, gilt dec. and bevelled boards. Near Fine

SCRAMBLES AMONGST THE ALPS IN THE YEARS 1860-69.  John Murray. 1893 4th. de-luxe edition. pp468. 23 full page and 107 text engravings. 5 maps in tissue. This edition in original Zaehnsdorf binding in cream cloth and gilt snowflakes is becoming rare. t.e.g. uncut. 'The few remaining copies can only be obtained from the Author'. in slipcase with original leather sp. label. Fine-

SCRAMBLES AMONGST THE ALPS IN THE YEARS 1860-69. (including the History of the First Ascent of the Matterhorn). John Murray. 1900 5th. pp468. 22 full page engravings. 107 text. 5 maps [fold.] orig. blue cloth gilt, a.e.g. and gilt dec. sp. a bright copy. Near Fine-

SCRAMBLES AMONGST THE ALPS IN THE YEARS 1860-69.  Thomas Nelson & Sons. 1908 1st. in this form. pp480. photo illus. frontis. and 7 photo plates. edges decorated with drawings by E.T. Compton. Appendix includes list of attempts and ascents of the Matterhorn. orig. blue dec. cloth gilt. Near Fine

SCRAMBLES AMONGST THE ALPS.  John Murray. 1936 6th. pp393. many full page and text illus. fold. maps. orig. buckram with gilt snowflake dec. Very Good in dw

SCRAMBLES AMONGST THE ALPS.  John Murray. 1948 rpt. pp414. many full page and text illus. fold. maps. Near Fine in dw

SCRAMBLES AMONGST THE ALPS.  Webb & Bower. 1986  pp262. a new illustrated edition with photographs by John Cleare.  Fine in dw

SWISS PICTURES Drawn With Pen And Pencil.  Religious Tract Society. [1870] New and Enlarged Edition.  pp208 + 8 chromolithograph frontis. Mont Blanc from above Morges. 26 full page illustrations by Mr Whymper and others and many in the text. bright pict. gilt dec. of eagle and chamois on blue cloth. a.e.g. Very Good

SWISS PICTURES Drawn With Pen And Pencil.  Religious Tract Society. c1873 3rd. pp216. many full page and text engravings by Whymper. maroon pict. gilt dec. cloth. a.e.g. chromo fr. sp. split. Very Good-

SWISS PICTURES Drawn With Pen And Pencil. The Illustrations by Mr. E. Whymper, F.R.G.S. Religious Tract Society. 1866 1st. edition pp214 + 2 chromolithograph frontis. Mont Blanc from above Morges. 15 full page wood engravings inc. Matterhorn and many in the text. letterpress by the Editor. pict. gilt dec. cloth lady traveller on mule. maroon cloth. sl. st. in bumped corners. spine split. a.e.g. Very Good-

THE ASCENT OF THE MATTERHORN.  John Murray. 1880 1st. pp325. 14 full page illustrations. 91 text engravings. 2 maps. The frontispiece is unique to this 3rd. edition of Scrambles. original blue dec. cloth gilt with motif of the Matterhorn. spine faded as usual. Very Good This is an important presentation copy 'From the Author' (label) with signature above of (to) A.W. Moore and also signed by (Mrs.) M.J. Moore.

THE ASCENT OF THE MATTERHORN.  Sutton. 1987 1st. pp325. 14 full page illustrations. 91 text engravings. 2 maps. The frontispiece is unique to this 3rd' edition of Scrambles. paperback facsimile printing of the 1880 edition. Very Good-

THE MATTERHORN.  Illustrated London News. 1865 Aug. 26th.  single page illustration of The Matterhorn (and Zermatt) from a sketch by Mr. Edward Whymper [30x24cms.] with text published shortly after the first ascent. Very Good

THE TIMES. Newspaper. The Times. 1865 August 8, pp 5 - 12. 2 cols. Whymper's Letter to the Editor concerning the Matterhorn Accident, with the letter to Whymper from Alfrd Will, A.C. President. this lacks the outer pages 1-4 & 13-16, but nevertheless extremely rare. The infamous Whymper letter. Very Good

THE VALLEY OF ZERMATT AND THE MATTERHORN. A Guide to. John Murray. 1897 1st. 44 + xiv + pp212. 80 illustrations, plans and maps. with adverts. rebound with copy of the rear orig. wrapper and sp. front wrapper present although top right hand corner 1" missing. The rare 1st edition. Very Good-

THE VALLEY OF ZERMATT AND THE MATTERHORN. A Guide to. John Murray. 1898 2nd. 42 + xiv + pp224. 80 illustrations, plans and 2 fold. maps. with adverts. rebound with front wrapper present although sp. and rear wrapper replaced by plain matching paper/card. Very Good-

THE VALLEY OF ZERMATT AND THE MATTERHORN. A Guide to. John Murray. 1900 4th. pp. 20 + xiv + 224 + 24. 78 illustrations, plans and maps. with adverts. complete with original pictorial wrappers 'The Finsteraarhorn' illus. by E.T. Compton. signed 'With the Compliments of the Author' by Edward Whymper. Near Fine

THE VALLEY OF ZERMATT AND THE MATTERHORN. A Guide to. John Murray. 1901 5th. pp224. 78 illustrations, plans and maps. with adverts. fine half calf. D.F.O. Dangar SIGNED bookplate. Near Fine

THE VALLEY OF ZERMATT AND THE MATTERHORN. A Guide to. John Murray. 1902 6th. pp224. 78 illustrations, plans and maps. with adverts. orig. pict wrappers worn, blank sp. replaced. Very Good-

THE VALLEY OF ZERMATT AND THE MATTERHORN. A Guide to. John Murray. 1903 7th. pp. xiv + 224 + 30. 78 illustrations, plans and maps. with adverts. rebound in fine dark green half calf and marbled boards. raised Bands, gilt. with orig. wrappers. Near Fine

THE VALLEY OF ZERMATT AND THE MATTERHORN. A Guide to. John Murray. 1904 8th. 20 + xiv + pp224 + 24. 78 illustrations, plans and maps. with adverts. orig. printed pict. wrappers, but spine damaged. signed presentation copy 'With the kind regards of the author Edward Whymper. Gornergorge Villa July 24, 1906. and Edith Whymper (his wife). LACKS SECTION PP137-148. Very Good-

THE VALLEY OF ZERMATT AND THE MATTERHORN. A Guide to. John Murray. 1905 9th. pp224. 77 illustrations, plans and maps. with adverts. full red calf gilt prize binding. Near Fine-

THE VALLEY OF ZERMATT AND THE MATTERHORN. A Guide to. John Murray. 1907 11th. 20 + xiv + pp224 + 24. 78 illustrations, plans and fold. maps, panorama. with adverts. orig. printed pict. wrappers, illustrated by E.T. Compton. Near Fine

THE VALLEY OF ZERMATT AND THE MATTERHORN. A Guide to. John Murray. 1908 12th. 20 + xiv + pp224 + 24. 78 illustrations, plans and maps. with adverts. complete with original pictorial wrappers 'The Finsteraarhorn' illus. by E.T. Compton. Papeterie WEGA label intact. Near Fine

THE VALLEY OF ZERMATT AND THE MATTERHORN. A Guide to. John Murray. 1909 13th. 20 + xiv + 224 + 24. 78 illustrations, inc. plans and 2 maps. with adverts. rebound and complete with original pictorial wrappers a bit worn, part of sp. relaid. front cover illus. of 'The Finsteraarhorn' by E.T. Compton. Very Good-

THE VALLEY OF ZERMATT AND THE MATTERHORN. A Guide to. John Murray. 1911 15th. pp xiv + 224 + 21-46. 77 illustrations, plans and maps. with adverts. rebound in brown half calf gilt with orig. pict. front wrapper. Near Fine

TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES OF THE EQUATOR.  Thomas Nelson & Sons. 1908? 1st. in this form. pp379. photo portrait frontis. and 4 photo plates. text illus. map. orig. blue dec. cloth gilt. Near Fine

TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES OF THE EQUATOR.  John Murray. 1892 1st. pp456 & 147. 20 full page and 118 engraved illustrations drawn by various artists and engraved by the author. 4 maps inc. 1 cold. fold. in e.p. orig. olive cloth gilt. together with the scarce supplementary appendix. Very Good

TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES OF THE EQUATOR.  John Murray. 1892 1st. pp456 & 147. 20 full page and 118 engraved illustrations drawn by various artists and engraved by the author. 4 maps inc. 1 cold. fold. in e.p. orig. olive cloth gilt. PRESENTATION COPY 'with the compliments of the Author, Edward Whymper.' to Charles Pilkington. together with the scarce supplementary appendix. Near Fine-

TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES OF THE EQUATOR.  John Murray. 1892 2nd. pp456. 20 full page and 118 engraved illustrations drawn by various artists and engraved by the author. 4 maps inc. 1 cold. fold. in e.p. orig. olive cloth gilt. PRESENTATION COPY 'To A.H. Bentor with the kind regards of the Author, Edward Whymper. Mar.8, 1898' sp. faded. Very Good-

TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES OF THE EQUATOR.  John Lehmann. 1949 rpt. pp272. Ed. by F.S. Smythe. Near Fine in dw

TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES OF THE EQUATOR.  Knight. 1972 rpt. pp214. Ed. by Eric Shipton. illus. fold. map. Very Good in dw

TRAVELS AMONGST THE GREAT ANDES OF THE EQUATOR.  Gibbs M. Smith, Inc. U.S. 1987 new  pp456. introduction and photographs by Loren McIntyre. original engravings and maps reproduced. Very Good in dw

Mountaineering books written and illustrated by Edward Whymper

Cervino 2015, 150 Anni dalla Conquista
